If your bulldog could talk.....


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
If your bulldog could talk, what do you think they are saying?

Here is Molly: "follow mommy, follow mommy, go where mommy goes, yay! mommy has food! daddy? What is daddy doing? follow daddy, go where daddy goes...."

Here is Jesse: "wanna play- wanna play- wanna play! Feet!!! Love them feet! Where is Molly? Wanna play with Molly! OOOOh there is Molly! Play- play- play!!!!"
Spanky would say: "Rub my belly, now my ears, now scratch my hiney, ok now rub my belly again" "Wait, I wasn't finished yet, ok, then let me get on your lap..no I think I will just stand on your legs instead, oh wait, maybe I will turn around, no I think I will just stand here on your legs..."


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Capone would say everything that Molly, Jessie and Spanky said...its cute to see how similar our babies are :)
Winsten for sure would say MOMMY MOMMY follow mommy VERY close food food food mommy follow mommy play? after i follow mommy some more! Daddy? yep he's there follow mommy! :)
LOL this is funny and makes me smile :)


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if my diva could talk (and believe me, my friend and i talk FOR her plenty in a specific voice and everything.....) she'd probably say 'who the $#@* are you calling a dog? i'm the queen of this palace. now turn on animal planet and let me make your legs lose all of their feeling while i pretend to be a royal lap dog...and you know i have last bite rights on your dinner'
when i first got my little dude she would've been saying 'i am NOT your momma boy!' now she'd say 'hey, you're looking kind of cute. lets snuggle'.
in the mornings she'd say 'are you kidding me? do i look like i need to go out and pee? it's not noon yet, so just cover me back up and no one will get hurt...and don't forget to turn the lights off on your way out'.
and sometimes when we have rescue fosters she'd say 'again?! i swear i can't ever trust you to go out on your own momma without you bringing another one of those 'dogs' back!'. but then she loves the new foster after she gets over her royal self in about 3 days...

my little dude would say 'snuggle momma. snuggle. oh yeah. that's the spot. scratch it. scratch it. oooooh. let me try to help you scratch it. i can't reach so i'll scratch at the air. keep scratching!' and always he'd be asking 'where's the food? i'm STARVING! it's been a whole hour since i've eaten! where's my brother? let me go PLAY to take my mind off of food. i'm STARVING!'


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if my diva could talk (and believe me, my partner and i talk FOR her plenty in a specific voice and everything.....) '

That is funny, I really thought we were the only crazy ones who talked for their dogs. I have never seen anyone admit to that before. lol. My Cutty would say "Where's the ball? Oh I got it, who wants to throw it now?!?!!?" In addition to all the above. And my mugsy would say "Hurry and throw the ball so I can chase Cutty and bite his ears."


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That is funny, I really thought we were the only crazy ones who talked for their dogs. I have never seen anyone admit to that before. lol. My Cutty would say "Where's the ball? Oh I got it, who wants to throw it now?!?!!?" In addition to all the above. And my mugsy would say "Hurry and throw the ball so I can chase Cutty and bite his ears."

note that i only admitted that under the protection of anonymity ;) haha. nah, i have no shame with my dogs. they each have their own 'voice' when my friend and i talk for them. it's the best/most entertaining conversations we have all day :D
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This was always funny, anyone have some good thoughts to add?
All Cadi would say is " hold your foot still so I can sit on it"
Chesty would say Hotdog, tummy rub, and get those kids away from me....
Echo would be play play play
And Mello would be Momma lap BARK BARK Momma lap
too cute. My little one actually talks for Beefy he says" hey i'm miser beepy u gonna gimme summa dat pood, hey dont be mad i'm just a misser beepy ...oooppps I farted."
Vegas starts in the morning....daddy's up, oh well I will sleep til mommy gets up, OH... mommy's up NOW I need to poop and pee and ONLY mommy can do it right, follow mommy to kitchen mmm, hungry, hurry and eat so I can get back up mommy's a$$, follow mommy's every move, bathroom I will lay my head on her bottoms like a slingshot while she goes, get in her way as she makes the bed, get in her way while she gets dressed, trip her in the kitchen while she is cooking, ohhh I need a nap, snore, snore, WHAT did mom get up?:eek:, follow mommy, follow mommy, follow mommy, I need to poop and pee again and ONLY mommy does it right, I will put my head on her lap while she is on the computer and give a low chewbacca growl so she can type and scratch my ears at the same time, if she stops I will just continue the growl and nudge her with my head, daddy's home, oh well, I will let him come to mom because I am not getting off her. And this continues til bedtime. :yes:
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Vegas starts in the morning....daddy's up, oh well I will sleep til mommy gets up, OH... mommy's up NOW I need to poop and pee and ONLY mommy can do it right, follow mommy to kitchen mmm, hungry, hurry and eat so I can get back up mommy's a$$, follow mommy's every move, bathroom I will lay my head on her bottoms like a slingshot while she goes, get in her way as she makes the bed, get in her way while she gets dressed, trip her in the kitchen while she is cooking, ohhh I need a nap, snore, snore, WHAT did mom get up?:eek:, follow mommy, follow mommy, follow mommy, I need to poop and pee again and ONLY mommy does it right, I will put my head on her lap while she is on the computer and give a low chewbacca growl so she can type and scratch my ears at the same time, if she stops I will just continue the growl and nudge her with my head, daddy's home, oh well, I will let him come to mom because I am not getting off her. And this continues til bedtime. :yes:

Soooooo totally Norm too!!!
Stig in the morning would be:

(alarm clock goes) "Yey it's morning, breakfast time!" (time passes by, me and my bf keep on snoozing the alarm) "Where's mommy with breakfast? I'm hungry ... but I'm sleepy too ... Zzzzzz." (Hear's my footsteps) "Time to get up, here she comes. There she is! Open my door, I wanna walk around and stretch ... freedom! Now where's my food? She's washing my bowl, gotta keep her company and sit beside her. Now she's opening my favourite cupboard ... there's my food! Gotta take a good sniff of my breakfast ... aahh, like fresh coffee in the morning. Is she done yet? It's been 30 seconds already. Yey she's done! Gotta run to my eating spot. Gotta sit first cuz that means she'll put the foody bowl down. Don't forget to give her the puppy face look ... SUCCESS! Gobble, gobble, *buurp, gobble, snort, snort ... Done! Hmm, I feel funny. Gotta do that walk thing where I shake my but a little. Gotta pee! ... Hmm my tummy feels funny again. Gotta do that walk thing where I again shake my butt a little like I have a wedgy ... Gotta poop! Aahhh much better. Now wipe my butt woman! lol. Looove you! Now play time!"