I am at the end of my rope. Jessie still has diarrhea. I have tried everything.


New member
May 19, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley and Jessie
After a round of the antibiotic Tylan Powder combined with a bland diet theres been no change. Then I saw a glimmer of hope when I fed him Carna4 but its so expensive, I am not able to make it a steady thing because I wasn't paying my bills. I brought him to see another doctor and was given the antibiotic Metronidazole. Again, theres been no change in his stool.
I'm still feeding him rice and chicken, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes. This is starting to affect my happiness, I have always been a happy go lucky type of guy but seeing my little guy not feeling good all the time is just robbing the joy from my life. I found this Vet online that specializes in Bulldog care. The website: www.vet4bulldog.com He's in LA but has a section in his website where you can ask a question. I've been waiting for weeks to get an answer. Jessie has a big anus which is probably a birth defect and it is so sensitive he literally wants to bite my head off
when I try to clean it. It usually takes me a long time for him to gain my trust to clean it. He begins to shake and his eyes get really bloodshot so I stop because I know its stressing him out.
You should see my house, I've got all these diaper pads that I'm constantly having to change. I'm sure you can imagine what I am going through. I am trying so hard and its been such a challenge. I really don't know what else to do. If I had tons of money I would be able to get him to a specialist to put a camera up his butt.
Patience is the key. I know I just went through it with my German Shepherdā€˜s leg with 5 hotspots. Broken toes, wrapped up created 5 HS. But Iā€™m breathing better now šŸ˜Š

Questionā€¦..Why are vets giving antibiotics for diarrhea? Did they take a sample n find a bacteria or something to give antibiotics? If not, stop all antibiotics as that kills all gut flora that balances out the ā€œplumbingā€œ n the immune system. 2x in a row is a lot so in a nutshell your dogā€™s gut is down. Btw stay off any diary products for time being.

With Diarrhea youā€™ll lose two nutrients for gut health which are vitamins D and A. Both regulate ā€œbile acid synthesisā€ and gut health so your dogā€™s gut is down. Same rule for humans. So to bring back A & D along with zinc is beef liver. That being said, make sure you use a rice that doesnā€™t absorb the water. The dog needs that water as itā€™s the broth that holds all the minerals n enzymes. It builds the gut flora. You can also buy organic ā€œBONEā€ broth. Heat it up a bit n give like 1/4 2x a day. Heā€™ll drink it. You can also use organic Husk. Sprinkle a bit on the meal.
Has he been tested for parasites? Can he have IBD? I just recently saw a post in a Facebook group about a bulldog with diarrhea for 7 months and someone suggested having him tested for a B12 deficiency so they did and his levels were low. Now they have it all sorted out and the poop is fine. I have zero personal knowledge or experience with this, just something I read so passing it along.
After a round of the antibiotic Tylan Powder combined with a bland diet theres been no change. Then I saw a glimmer of hope when I fed him Carna4 but its so expensive, I am not able to make it a steady thing because I wasn't paying my bills. I brought him to see another doctor and was given the antibiotic Metronidazole. Again, theres been no change in his stool.
I'm still feeding him rice and chicken, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes. This is starting to affect my happiness, I have always been a happy go lucky type of guy but seeing my little guy not feeling good all the time is just robbing the joy from my life. I found this Vet online that specializes in Bulldog care. The website: www.vet4bulldog.com He's in LA but has a section in his website where you can ask a question. I've been waiting for weeks to get an answer. Jessie has a big anus which is probably a birth defect and it is so sensitive he literally wants to bite my head off
when I try to clean it. It usually takes me a long time for him to gain my trust to clean it. He begins to shake and his eyes get really bloodshot so I stop because I know its stressing him out.
You should see my house, I've got all these diaper pads that I'm constantly having to change. I'm sure you can imagine what I am going through. I am trying so hard and its been such a challenge. I really don't know what else to do. If I had tons of money I would be able to get him to a specialist to put a camera up his butt.

Why is he on antibiotics???

Have you tried probiotics?? Probiotics are really good for the immune system and gut health, especially beneficial for digestion issues!

What food did he improve on before??

I thought he was cleared up in the last thread you put up??
Have you tired a different proteins. I agree with the others, has he been tested for parasites... try the organic husk and probiotics if you haven't.

I'm going through a similar issue with Lambeau, nothing is helping, except for Panacur. Beau has lymphoma so he is in a differnt boat, but the oncologist and our et can not figure out why. I got approval to use panacur with his chemo and it was the only thing to lessen the amount of times he goes a day. it is now up/down... some good some bad days, but at least it is better.
If he has parasites, a healthy treat that actually gets rid of parasites is
Rabbit Ears. You can buy a bag of rabbit ear pieces for dogs cause they are popular and fairly cheap($15 for a bag) and by giving 3-4 ear pieces a day that actually is what gets rid of parasites and worms, lots of people give those for treats if they are not sure if they have parasites and donā€™t want to get them checked for them, they just use the rabbit ears as treats to treat it and it actually works great!

That was just a suggestion,

I buy the Hero brand Rabbit ears, a decent amount in 1 bag.

And definitely try probiotics and psyllium husk. Pumpkin is also good to add.
I don't have a lot of suggestions, but I wanted to offer my sincere empathy for your situation. My girl had chronic diarrhea for a couple of years. The vet always treated her symptoms but didn't bother with trying to find the cause.

Have you tried breaking the cycle with a fast followed by slowly feeding boiled chicken (if not allergic) with pumpkin? That usually worked for my girl at least for a few weeks. Good luck and many blessings.
I always thought antibiotics can really mess up the gut. I would do what Chicbuc said and fast the dog for about 12 hours. then feed her something really, really bland like boiled ground turkey - i think that's as bland as you can get. I wouldnt put rice or anything else in there, and feed her small frequent meals. i would do that for a few days - that way you can start from scratch. if her stool becomes solid then you can start introducing other foods one by one. what product from Carna4 did you feed her where you saw good results?
After a round of the antibiotic Tylan Powder combined with a bland diet theres been no change. Then I saw a glimmer of hope when I fed him Carna4 but its so expensive, I am not able to make it a steady thing because I wasn't paying my bills. I brought him to see another doctor and was given the antibiotic Metronidazole. Again, theres been no change in his stool.
I'm still feeding him rice and chicken, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes. This is starting to affect my happiness, I have always been a happy go lucky type of guy but seeing my little guy not feeling good all the time is just robbing the joy from my life. I found this Vet online that specializes in Bulldog care. The website: www.vet4bulldog.com He's in LA but has a section in his website where you can ask a question. I've been waiting for weeks to get an answer. Jessie has a big anus which is probably a birth defect and it is so sensitive he literally wants to bite my head off
when I try to clean it. It usually takes me a long time for him to gain my trust to clean it. He begins to shake and his eyes get really bloodshot so I stop because I know its stressing him out.
You should see my house, I've got all these diaper pads that I'm constantly having to change. I'm sure you can imagine what I am going through. I am trying so hard and its been such a challenge. I really don't know what else to do. If I had tons of money I would be able to get him to a specialist to put a camera up his butt.
I have NO experience with this problem but looking at sites on "long term diarrhea in dogs", I thought this article was enlightening and may be helpful. Note the paragraph that reads "Other breeds, like Boston Terriers and Boxers, can get intestinal lymphangiectasia and/or ulcerative colitis, leading to protein loss in the stool. These diseases can be picked up on screening bloodwork but are often confirmed with additional testing. Often, these conditions show similar symptoms to chronic diarrhea." https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/digestive/chronic-diarrhea-dogs

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