Should I keep my dog ? 😭


New member
Feb 22, 2023
Bulldog(s) Names
I recently had to rehome my dog who is 7 years old and I have had him since he was a puppy. The main reason is because he bit me pretty good, busted knuckles, bent finger and made me bleed. I gave him a shower and was trying to put his leash on to dry him but he snapped. I don’t trust him around my 2 year old anymore. I am afraid he is going to react and lose his patience one day and snap at her. He has never been aggressive before until now. I don’t know if I’m able to deal with the anxiety of something going terribly wrong. He is with a foster family now and he has been very well taken care of. They have been excellent and have assured me that if I change my mind I can go get him. I don’t know what to do 😭😭😭😭😭😭. I miss him so much
Hello, sorry to hear this. I am a total dog lover-but I must say that your first obligation is to your two year old. Your dog bit you - If you can not trust him around your child, you will never be at peace. Your child must come first,and if the dog has a good home,you need to let him stay there. You can't live your life in fear that he will attack your child. I do understand how hard it is for you-child comes first.
Hello, sorry to hear this. I am a total dog lover-but I must say that your first obligation is to your two year old. Your dog bit you - If you can not trust him around your child, you will never be at peace. Your child must come first,and if the dog has a good home,you need to let him stay there. You can't live your life in fear that he will attack your child. I do understand how hard it is for you-child comes first.
This is exactly what I keep telling myself. Can I really live with that anxiety of something going terribly wrong ? Also, my second baby will be here in 3 weeks. It will be even harder to keep eyes on my toddler at all times.
@cam20026 I know how hard it is for you, but your babies have to come first. You know that you will not be able to handle two babies and worrying about dog.
Yes that’s what I keep telling myself. I will never be at peace. I even started being scared of him, last two showers I gave him I had fear of him biting me. I know what I need to do, but my heart just can’t let go. He is my boy and has been with me for 7 years 😭😭💔💔💔
If you are nervous and anxious, dogs can pick up on that so you’ve made the right decision. One thing to note, if he gets snappy or irritable at his new home, I suggest having his thyroid checked.
Agreed... as heart wrenching of a decision as it is... this was the right one given the information you have told us. Your fear will place him in a state of protection mode and he would be looking to protect when he feels there is a threat. The babies come first .

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