
New member
Mar 7, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Diesel and Tank
Howdy! We just joined and look forward to learning new things and meeting all of you. Diesel is our 2 year Olde English Bulldogge and the newest addition Tank is our 6 week old English Bulldog.

Diesel really needed a friend so that's when we found Tank. So far they have that big brother/little brother dynamic. Tank follows Diesel and just wants to copy what he's doing around the house.

Glad to be here and find such a big community of people who just love their dogs. I'll be happy to give advice if I have knowledge of the question and of course I'll probably have plenty of my own questions to ask as well.

Here are some pictures of Diesel and Tank!

:welcome2: to EBN!!! Your boys are adorable...
Castor says hi and welcome to the forum! They both look adorabull - I love Diesel's brindle coat! You say Tank is six weeks old - that's very young to separate a pup from his mom, so Diesel and you will have to care for him and raise him like a bulldog mom would! Best of luck and great to see you here on the forum.
:EBNwelcome:glad you joined. Since the baby is so young-it's good he has a Big Brother to guide him!
Welcome to EBN! What beautiful babies....
Hi there! What a cute little baby angel! I already miss when my 10-week old was that tiny :(

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