how many bullies / dogs / pets do you have?


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
after reading numerous posts on this great site, i noticed that a lot of people own more than one dog/bully. i'm not surprised because i feel like getting a playmate for stig too. maybe next year. maybe even this christmas :eek:.

wanted to see if the multiple pet owners beat us onesies. :)
We have 2. Vegas and Orion. HANDFULS!!
Check out your settings page. There is a place to put down the names of your dogs...that way, when reading or responding to a post, you know who they are (there is also a place for your real name) and what thier bulldogs names are.
We have two dogs, Sadie the english bully, and Jay, an american bully/APBT/something mix lol. But thats not all our house has for pets. We have three birds, two cockatiels and an african grey, all rescues. My basement is FULL of aquariums and there is a room for fish, and one for reptiles. Leopard geckos are my true weakness. I have 14 of them and most are adoptions. I also have a whites treefrog and a florida ring neck snake from adoptions as well. Then there is my 9year old rabbit and the chinchilla that came with the house when we moved in lol!

It seems overwhelming at times but it only takes about an hour or so in the mornings to get the birds fed, lights on in the basement and fish, rabbit and chin fed. Every wednesday and sunday is "cage day" where each cage is deep cleaned. At night is when the reptiles are fed.
I have 3 dogs right now... 1 American Bulldog, 1 english bulldog, 1 english bulldog/black lab mix and 1 tank of fish. Then I foster french bulldogs...
We have right now 5 english, Chesty, mom Cadi, and three 12 week old babies...Echo we are keeping and the two Females Charli and Delta are looking for the right fur-ever home...if they don't then we will have five... and we have at last count 12 very large out side koi.
We have 3 dogs, 2 English bulldogs(Abby 9, Bella 1) and a Belgium Malanois (Sophie 10). We also have a tortie cat (Daisey) who is 14 going on 5, she is so full of spunk you would think she was a young kitten. We have 2 skin-kids (Pierce 20 and Ian 17) And I would have more of any of these if money was not the issue! (however skin-kids I am a little too old for)
[MENTION=657]mom2bullies[/MENTION], I thought Charli was taken for? If 5 gets to be too much, send Echo this way will ya? ;)
I have one english bully, Horse 4.5 yrs, and one skin-kid Braeden 3.5 yrs. I'm pretty sure that every day I think "as soon as we have our own home, we're going to rescue another bully"
i got 7 month old english bullie lex a 2 yr old yellow lab bo 6 yr old kid brooklyn and 9yr old kid maddy and my lovely bf..... we would love to get another bullie and a kid down the road;) lol
We have 3 dogs, 2 English bulldogs(Abby 9, Bella 1) and a Belgium Malanois (Sophie 10). We also have a tortie cat (Daisey) who is 14 going on 5, she is so full of spunk you would think she was a young kitten. We have 2 skin-kids (Pierce 20 and Ian 17) And I would have more of any of these if money was not the issue! (however skin-kids I am a little too old for)
[MENTION=657]mom2bullies[/MENTION], I thought Charli was taken for? If 5 gets to be too much, send Echo this way will ya? ;)

I thought Charli was too but no answer so I guess no sale.... Daddy won't change his mind on baby echo... I want to name him "Echo of Courage"
We always had many animals, especially before we had kids. We once had 3 dogs, 10 fish tanks, 3 parakeets, 1 turtle and 1 Sun Conure (parrot).

When we had kids we slowed down on the aquariums and went down to two large ones only. Then our birds all passed on, so we were down to Baby, our English Bulldog, and our son Noah. We started traveling for Cable TV work in 2000. When Baby was stolen from us, we went animal free for two years. I did not think I could ever love another- she was my girl of 8 years. So after 2002 we still had a dog or two with us traveling- but when the kids and I came home in 2008 we filled the aquarium again, and now we have 5 bullies. Chip also has a pet turtle :).

We have loved, lost, rehomed, and had my heart broke time and time again. I will admit that every monetary mistake I have ever made in my life concerned my obsession with animals- but they are so worth it. Some people just need animals in their life, and I am one of those people.

I think Bryce is going to have this obsession for animals too. He soooo loves the bulldogs, (he is only two). He sits in front of my computer while I am looking at EBN and each photo I look at he squeals with glee- I think it could be possible he loves bulldogs more than me!!!? :eek: sorry to hear about Baby. Have you already posted the story on this? You poor girl. [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]