Breeders - colors, exotic, Health, Temperment - Trends


Nov 14, 2012
Ironton OH
Bulldog(s) Names
Spielman (RIP) Bolt
So I haven't posted a lot over the past couple of years although I do visit to see pup pictures and any time I have a question about something that pops up with our 3 1/2 year old Bolt.

We have been thinking about getting Bolt a lil sister. The breeder we bought Bolt from has two litters coming up over the next few months, and I have contacted them regarding deposits etc. But I thought I would start searching other places on the web for any other good breeders that have litters coming up.

I was shocked at what I have found. I found way more "tri-color" and exotic colors out there than I found pure EBD. My initial thoughts have always been "Stay away" from any of those breeders because I know the pups are not pure EBD, and my biggest concern is that a lot of these different colored "bulldogs" appear like they may have pit bull somewhere in the line. The other thought is that the breeders are only in it for the money, which I am not a fan.

It also got me thinking though. The main two things I want in a pet is one that is healthy and well tempered. Our first bulldog we had to put down for biting our son, he had a mean disposition and was just not a very loving dog. I have had many pets in my 48 years and know how to handle dogs, and our first was just not an even tempered dog.

I ran across Bruisers in Indiana. They appear to be breeding for health and temper, and their bulldogs are less wrinkled with a longer snout. Then I read some posts where some are cross breading beagle into the line. Beagles are probably a much healthier overall breed than bulldogs and have good tempers generally. So maybe it is not a bad thing if you are just looking for a good pet that is healthy and sweet?

Again, my gut is to steer clear since the breeders may just be in it for the money and you really can't tell what other breed was introduced. But at the same time, from experience, I have seen pure bred bulldogs that were too closely related and that is not good either to limit the gene pool IMHO.

We are just looking for a great pet to be Bolt's sister, so I am a little torn now on what we should do. Most likely we will wait how ever long we need to wait for Bolt's breeder to have a healthy little girl. Bolt does have allergy problems, nothing severe but we do have to feed him and he ends up on meds a couple of times a year when he has flare ups.

Get a cat... J/K lolll

I too had decades of dogs. Definitely EB would gave to be the breed with the most maintenance. Iā€™ve done numerous research on the EB cause of my brindle Nyala who was my first. Read whatever I can found. When I got Nyala she wasnā€™t at the breeder bought at one of her friend house in another city as my breeder lives in the boonies. I was totally in communication with the breeder daily. All the time breeder thought her friend told me Nyala wasnā€™t an EB but a Bantam Bulldogge. Was totally a legit miscommunication as she even offered to take Nyala back n I come pick up EB pup which she had 2 litters. I didnā€™t cause something told me to keep her, she was so puddly cute, playful, beautiful brindle n I decided the hell with it Iā€™m keeping her. Best decision Iā€™ve made. Today if I would get another EB would be a Bantam or simply another breed. They are basically 2 type, one short n one taller. Nyala is the taller one. They are exactly in the EB side but has a tad longer nose, smaller head, smaller wrinkles with that wide chest. Health n maintenance wise, in a heartbeat bantam is no headaches. One issue with her she has a tail pocket which again I didnā€™t know to check about the length of a tail out before buying into an EB breed. Itā€™s not much of an issue has it has become a routine essential oil mix ive made cleaning weekly. Then I got Duke sadly pass at a very young age cause of an incompetent vet (long story) and few months later got Jake who is Dukeā€™s blood brother.

IMO, after working with this EB or in the line of EB breed for over 5yrs, to reduce health issues as no matter what they do come with them is what you feed them. If you feed a 100% raw diet even snacks, youā€™ll see the a big difference. I mean a BIG difference!

You will definitely find breeders out there thatā€™s starting to change the EB back to their real norm. Longer nose, smaller crown, less big ropes, bone legged deformities...etc... Man has toyed around with that breed way too long n needs to stop. Why you think thereā€™s tons in shelters in the USA? People canā€™t afford vet bills for their issues n gives them up. I definitely see the difference with Nyala n Jake in their breathing. Bantam has been around since 1800ā€™s. Not a new breed either. They are harder to find but worth it. I wasnā€™t buying a dog to put in dog shows either. If thatā€™s your plan, then itā€™s a different story. But I do believe the real honest EB breeders are finally understanding to start modifying the breed back to their originality for that breedā€™s sake. If like you said has a trace of beagle in it n itā€™s find with you, go for it. Itā€™s up to how you feel n donā€™t want the headaches.

Hereā€™s the difference...
Got in touch with our breeder, and they have 27 on the deposit list, so it might be a little while. They do not turn out dozens of litters each year. They have 4 pups being presented to the deposit holders, and two litters planned for November. Then a few litters next year. I think that is my safest bet as I have been researching and finding horrible reviews at different breeders etc. Deposit holders pass all of the time so you never know, maybe we get lucky and get a pup this year.
A breeder that has ā€œdozensā€ of litters in one year would be a red flag to me.

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What ever the breed or a mix, that is NOT automatically healthier, needs to have health tests done before breeding. If the breeder has done the tests they should provide them to you if you ask. If they don't then they most likely haven't done any tests. A lot of colour breeders only test DNA for colour. And a lot of "designer" mix breeders just say they're are healthy since they are mixed.
My dog Tank is considered an older English bulldogee, or Levin, they were cross breed to keep the bulldog look, but with the hereditary health problems


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