Is your bullies back arched or straight?


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
I never noticed until we got Mr.Beefy or well until he got us lol. That english bulldogs have different structures. My neighbor has two males and they look totally different, one has a very straight back and the other has a small arch. Mr.Beefy has a higher arch which kinda freaked me out when i went to pick him up. But the vet said English Bulldogs by AKC standard are suppose to have arches. So does your bully have an arch or straight?
He's usually laying down... so most of the time, it's straight!
Chesty's is arched...Cadi's is straight, Baby Echo's is going to be arched, lookes to me that Charli is going to be straight and Delta's arched....
Cuttys is mostly straight. His hips stand a little higher than his front so I suppose there is a slight sway in the back but for the most part it is straight. Is that a clear answer? lmao.
I just had to ask and i wonder why? why are some of them arched and some straight? hmmm seems like i need to do some research lol.
All of mine are straight except Tidus- Jesse is shorter in front than in back, same with Molly. (their butts seem to be about 1/2 in to inch taller than their shoulder area)....Mandy is pretty well proportioned, both front and back are almost at the same height. Yuna seems pretty much the same as Mandy, but her and Tidus are still young yet to see if they will stand taller in the butt. Tidus used to have much more of an arch but it is going away the more he grows.
Would be great to see some PICS!! hint, hint lol. If I can catch Beefy standing I will def get one. Do any of our breeder members know why some have straight and some arched backs?
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Maggie is straight!
Gracie's is pretty straight.... :D


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