
New member
May 22, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Chloe & Harley
Hello everyone.
Sure hope someone can give me some advice on house breaking my girls. First I have to say they are doing better since they are going on 6 months old. But still having some problems. First of all
I take the out after they eat, drink water, when they wake up from a nape, first thing in the mornings before feeding them, after play time and last thing at night. Each time they potty I give them a treat. I have even tried the bell training. All they want to do with the bell is play with it. Lol. When I got them I started crate training from the get go. But now when they play in the house they for get to let me know they have to potty and potty on my floor not poop the other. When I catch them doing it I tell them no and take them out side. Like I said they are not as bad as when I first got them. So I order the book potty training in 7 days. To see if this will help. I can’t think of anything I am over looking. I know they don’t have any health problems they been checked out.

So what else can I do?

Thanks for any advise.

God Bless

[MENTION=19036]bj4ta[/MENTION] They are still very young. When they are playing, take them out in the middle of play, and then again when they are finished, before they take a nap. When I am training mine, I take them out about every 1/2 hour at that age.All you are doing so far, sounds right. When you take them out, have them on a leash until they both go. If one goes, the other will usually
follow and go. It take a lot of time and effort to train pups, and all your time and effort will pay off in the long run. The time it takes for them to "get it" varies by the dog, and your effort! Hang in there, it sounds like you are doing well.
Thanks. I have all the time. I am retired. So this is my joy is my two girls. I am glad I am doing it right. I had dogs in the past. They were shelties and they were easy to train. I got them when they were 8 weeks old and had them up to the day they passed. One was 15 years and the other was 14. So it been a while since I house broke a pet. But I will not give it up. Lol. Thanks for your reply.

Have a good evening.

Thanks. I have all the time. I am retired. So this is my joy is my two girls. I am glad I am doing it right. I had dogs in the past. They were shelties and they were easy to train. I got them when they were 8 weeks old and had them up to the day they passed. One was 15 years and the other was 14. So it been a while since I house broke a pet. But I will not give it up. Lol. Thanks for your reply.

Have a good evening.


Yes, still babies. Takes patience. When I got my brindle she was 3months ish n took only a few weeks but Duke my white face took months! I swear I forgot how some can take time n yes ohhh the sleepiness nights.
Schedule and consistently is everything... since you are home with them, set a 2-3 hour schedule and take them out regardless of what you are doing or what their current status is (sleeping, playing).... that is how we finally got our Frenchie trained

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I don’t have a problem with them sleeping during the night. They go to bed by 11pm and sleep until 8:30 the next morning.
You have got beautiful pets. My two girls love the outside and they have a kiddy pool that they play in. They love the water. Lol. But I will hang in there with them. One day they will be house broken. I hope lol. Now I am dealing with hotspots on them. Took them to the vet and got meds for them. To me the meds don’t look like it is helping any. I take them back in 5 days. The vet gave me Suffusion K + PS Wipes to clean the red spots and pills for then call Cefpodoxime Proxetil 100 mg take once a day for 14 days. Never had to deal with hotspots before with my other dogs. So this is a new thing for me. Anyway have a nice day.

NuStock, or Vetericyn is good to keep on hand for hot spots, or wounds. [MENTION=19036]bj4ta[/MENTION] I have used both products for years on animals.

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