Holiday crunch time.... are you ready for the holidays?


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I think I am... presents wrapped, house is clean, daddy coming home tonight, so I think I am ready!

Just not sure what we will have for dinner yet!

How about you? Are you ready?
Not quite yet! I drop the dogs off at my friend's place tomorrow and then fly out on Christmas Eve. I'm still trying to pull everything together and get in some cuddle time with my bullies because I totally hate leaving them - no matter how well they are taken care of. :*( But I'm excited to be going back east again and seeing my 1 year old nephew!
I am just about ready! Got my last 3 gifts today from ups so they need wrapped but other than that the rest are done! Just need to bake some desserts for Christmas but that is no big deal. Thankfully I finished all my cookie baking yesterday for my hubby to take to work. Ugh... 18 people I had to make plates for! I dont even like baking so this was a chore. I am done with that and the kitchen is clean again.
just about done gotta get some craft things for jeffs youngest today and then the boys stocking stuffers and that will do it!!! i have to work christmas eve and christmas day both at nite :( we are doing santa over at the girls moms house so i gotta book it home so i can make it for santa time, she said she will wait till i get there but i know how excited kids are on christmas day so i told her if the girls cant wait thats fine ill be there as soon as i can!! jeff is gonna cook steak and crab legs (we did that last yr) and eat sat right before i have to leave.. so sweet!
Mmmmm Steak and Crab legs sounds good! I have steak so time to find out where crab is on sale!!!

If you can imagine we eat pretty lousy when daddy's not around. So it is going to be feasting this week! No mac n cheese, hot dogs, tv dinners, pot pies or chef boy r dee!!!! NONE!!!
Shopping done, now I just have to worry about Christmas eve dinner where I will be cooking for the first time a Turducken, along with the worry of Vegas humping all the guest, I am going to use his harness with a leash as what was suggested to me in an earlier post. What do I look forward to? Being DONE!!! I really don't like Christmas, I have found it is so stressful, my favorite is Thanksgiving where it is all about dinner and family.
Yes! I am ready I have to work the next 2 days then off for the weekend! I am lucky and dont have to do any cooking, we go to my aunts x-mas eve and x-mas my mom cooks! I dont really like xmas either too stressful, Easter is my favourite holiday! :up:
Only have a couple stocking stuffers and groceries to go. Tomorrow I am stuck getting a colonoscopy and right now sick as a dog after drinking the prep. YUCK Nice thing is that it makes Terri go to the grocery store tomorrow.
We just wrapped the last of the
presents. Now just to pick up
the new puppy tomorrow evening!!
[MENTION=770]Bella'sMom[/MENTION], Ohhh that sux for you, I hope everything is OK for you!!! At least you get out of the grocery store, but personally I would rather have that than what you are going through. I do still have to go to the store to finish up, I am cooking.
[MENTION=1621]bfletch13[/MENTION], A new puppy?? What a fantastic Christmas present, there have been so many new puppies lately, makes me want another soooo bad!!!
Not really ready at all !!!!!!!!! :eek:

Still got a few presents to arrive. Nothing is wrapped and I haven't even bought the wrapping paper yet!!

I've worked 13-14 hours so far all week and will do the same tomorrow, and again on Friday morning. I have no idea when I"ll wrap presents because I need to time it when neither of the kids are around which just doesn't seem to happen!!

I have done no grocery shopping and the closest I've got to Christmas dinner is to write out a shopping list.

The house is a mess and I haven't attempted to clean it since Saturday.

Overall, NOT READY!!
Not ready too! Still need to buy a few more presents and haven't wrapped anything yet. Darn those finals! :angry:

But I went shopping for clothes yesterday for the first time in a while and felt so good! lol.

I have the day off tomorrow so my plan is to get up early in the morning, play with Stiggy a bit, go to the mall to get the rest of the presents, go to a catering place to pick up some food and dessert for the potlucks (cooking's not my thing <o), then go to the 2 dinner invites (1 where Stiggy is most welcome, yay!).

Craving king crab legs now!
We're ready, but we really didn't have big plans to prep for... we decided this year, instead of doing a big meal for the 2 of us, that we would prepare a nice picnic lunch and kayak out to one of the outer islands and just chill on a beach... looking forward to it
We're ready, but we really didn't have big plans to prep for... we decided this year, instead of doing a big meal for the 2 of us, that we would prepare a nice picnic lunch and kayak out to one of the outer islands and just chill on a beach... looking forward to it

I'm jealous!!!!

I'm almost ready. We have all our gifts, nothing is wrapped but I don't mind wrapping and we didn't have many people to buy for this year so thats no problem. The only other thing I need to do is bake cookies, I always give our neighbors (a family that we are friends with that lives next door) a tin of cookies at Christmas and I have another little thing for them. I love Christmas, I am looking forward to the holiday weekend :)

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