Hello from Denmark


New member
May 26, 2011
Svebolle, Vestsjalland, Denmark, Denmark
Bulldog(s) Names
Bella and Neelix

I would just like to say Hello to everyone in the forum.

My name is James and I am from Scotland but now living in Denmark for the last 15 Years. I have 2 English Bulldogs, Bella who is 1 year old (top pic) and Neelix who is 11 weeks (bottom Pic). Yep I know they are hard to tell apart but I love white bulldogs :tongue: I also have a Shar Pei and a Springer Spaniel.



Thank you
Welcome from New Jersey! Bella and Neelix are adorable!!! I too have a white and brown bully named Brutus. Hope you love it here, it's very addicting! :)
Your fur-kids are all so gorgeous! Welcome and looking forward to hearing from you more!
Wow!! Cleo has some beautiful colored fur!! What great pictures!!
Welcome from the other side of the pond. You babies are all beautiful! I had a bulldog growing up, but when I got married, we had Springers at first....now back to Bulldogs, I just can't get away from the squishy face. Glad you joined us!!!
They arent hard to telll apart; one has her tongue out, the other doesnt!... lol Welcome to EBN, James. All your dogs are very nice. Hope to see more pix of them and hear all about them. Feel free to join into any conversations. Glad you joined. :)
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You have a gorgeous family! They are all just really pretty. Welcome to EBN. This is a great place. Just remember, you will need to post LOTS of pictures. :).
Welcome. What a beautiful fur family you have! Looking forward to seeing lots more of them.

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