Help Needed! Hair not growing back after surgery


New member
Aug 7, 2013
Dallas, Tx
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Mack Daddy
So Mack had TPLO surgery back in January and he is doing great but the patch of hair they shaved on his back is not growing back. He does have Alopecia from time to time where his hair does thin out but this patch has no new hair growth. I am looking for any type of suggestions and I can take a picture if needed.
So Mack had TPLO surgery back in January and he is doing great but the patch of hair they shaved on his back is not growing back. He does have Alopecia from time to time where his hair does thin out but this patch has no new hair growth. I am looking for any type of suggestions and I can take a picture if needed.

Yes photos would be great. Have you tried putting coconut oil or olive oil? CO is high in fatty acids which penetrates deeply into the skin or EVOO is loaded with vitamin E. Or mix both together.
Jax's last cervical surgery site took forever to grow back this time but I am fairly certain he had some hair growth after 4 months and you say there is no hair growth?
My groomer told me to scratch the area backwards, against the way the hair grows. To help stimulate the folicle.

Lambeau growth took three to four months to come back in after surgery to have a tumor removed

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Do you use vitamins or supplements? Fish oil with high omega3 content coconut oil and joint supplements ( hair is keratin, so needs same supplements as joints) can help grow hair.
Walter is almost completely bald on both of his flanks... this has been the worst year for his seasonal alopecia!!!
With some dogs(older dogs especially), it can take up to a year for hair to completely return. After 1 year, if not filled in, then be concerned.
Yes photos would be great. Have you tried putting coconut oil or olive oil? CO is high in fatty acids which penetrates deeply into the skin or EVOO is loaded with vitamin E. Or mix both together.

Yeah I give him Salmon bites vitamins but no luck.

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Walter is almost completely bald on both of his flanks... this has been the worst year for his seasonal alopecia!!!

yeah it has been a rough one this year, last year I had no problems

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Jax's last cervical surgery site took forever to grow back this time but I am fairly certain he had some hair growth after 4 months and you say there is no hair growth?
[MENTION=9557]Jlambe[/MENTION]. Salmon bites won’t cut it. Get coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. Mix and do like Christine just mentioned.
With some dogs(older dogs especially), it can take up to a year for hair to completely return. After 1 year, if not filled in, then be concerned.

Yes. ^^^

Monty's hair took over a year to grow back after his last surgery. I think I have posts on here lamenting that fact! I thought it would never grow again as he was as bald as a cue ball. It did come back in eventually but it was very patchy, not all at once. He still has a small spot where it never grew back. I tried NuStock, melatonin, coconut oil etc and nothing helped. I gave up and let nature take its course.

He has a smallish patch of SFA and has for a year now but I think he is going to lose a lot more pretty soon. His hair is getting very thin on his back. This year seems to have been worse for everything!
It’s five months since Dudleys CCL surgery and he still has a big patch of shorter/lighter hair on his leg. I honestly thought it would only take a couple of months considering I practically empty a full Bulldog coat out of the vacuum cleaner every time I empty it! :D

It took Vegas 5 months to grow back his hair after his tail surgery. It was several months after that before it matched perfectly.

But not seeing any new growth is kind of weird.

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It took Vegas 5 months to grow back his hair after his tail surgery. It was several months after that before it matched perfectly.

But not seeing any new growth is kind of weird.

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Monty had no growth at all, not even peach fuzz!

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