Ghost Hunting/Orbs


New member
May 1, 2010
New Jersey
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Mona Lisa and Leonardo
Ok, so I'm a huge fan of Ghost Hunter shows. When my partner and I went to Atlanta to show her around my stompin grounds we went to the Georgia Aquarium and well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.... Do you see what we saw?







The only pictures that showed up with orbs in them where the pictures of Linnet. Weird huh? And we took a ton of pictures!
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COOL that you went to the Atlanta Aquarium. That is a very nice one. I also love Ghost Hunters and DVR it as well as GHI, GA, and PS. lol. I think Jason and Grant would say "dust". But, the pictures of the tank and fish are really neat!
Yes, I think they would say "dust", too. But the weird thing is they ONLY show up in pictures of Linnet, not in the other picutures anywhere, AND when they went to the Aquarium (although they were there for the Titanic display and we were not), they had their own crazy stuff happen. I'd say ok, maybe dust if it showed up in the other pictures, but it didn't and we took a ton of pictures in a lot of different areas, so you'd think there'd be random pictures of dust in some of the others..right?
Anyway, it's weird and I had to share them with ya'll.

Watching "My ghost story" right now as I type :-)
I have last weeks GH to watch still. Don't tell me if it was good or not! lol. I watched Celebrity Ghost Story early (I think that is what it is called?). It had Joan Rivers. Interesting...
I'm curious about what your ghost hunting buddies would think of this picture.


I took it in the early morning on a dark clear cold day. Christmas 2007. None of the other pictures have a thing in them.
I'm curious about what your ghost hunting buddies would think of this picture.


I took it in the early morning on a dark clear cold day. Christmas 2007. None of the other pictures have a thing in them.

that is awesome!! My husband and I love that show! And it looks like you had a great time at the aquarium.
Huge fan of the show also, and I dvr it as well, but I agree with above and I think Jason and Grant would say dust, on Lari's picture it looks like steam or fog. Even is you could not see it the flash from the camera might have picked it up.
I'm curious about what your ghost hunting buddies would think of this picture.


I took it in the early morning on a dark clear cold day. Christmas 2007. None of the other pictures have a thing in them.

Looks like someone is breathing out in the cold weather to me :)
Looks like someone is breathing out in the cold weather to me :)

That may explain it, I don't know. Like I said the rest of the pics don't show anything. Just this one. I was the only one out there at the time, it was about 6:00 A.M.
Love the GH shows!!
I have lived next to graveyards for 16 years now and have had some silly stuff happening. However once we decided to just kind of ignore it and not to put to much exited energy out about it.... we haven't noticed anything again. It is not a choice to live next to graveyards, it just happens to me!!! Four years ago I moved here and after a few weeks a neighbor told me that there is a hidden graveyard at the lowest part of our hill... When our youngest son was little, he had a group of 6 "imaginary friends" with great personalities and stories. We did believe at that time that he picked up some "energies"from the graveyard next door. His "friends" were not only children, but a few grownups as well. The grownups had professions and he would tell us things out truck engines that he could really not know as a 4 year old child. I made lots of pictures but never did we see anything show up though..
I do have things kind of "falling in my lap" when I need it... pretty handy every now and then.
Can others post possible ghost pictures too? They are so cool!
The only reason I don't think that's breath from someone is it's so large and circular, it's a really cool picture!
Well we are also HUGE Gh fans and other shows as well. I have a great pic of an orb from camping. I will have to take it out of the frame to scan but it was taken on our first campout after my cousin had passed and he would have been on this trip most likely. Dont get me started on ghost stories. We dont have many personally between my hubby and I although we do have a few good ones. My step mom tho has a million because her family has deep beliefs in spirits and they just seem to have that connection to family that has passed. Amazing stories, I could listen to them all day long even tho I know them almost by heart.
I don't have a picture but I have a really creepy storey. A couple weeks after my son was born. I had a dream that I was just getting up to use washroom but I seen shadows moving back in fourth in the basement. I looked down the stairs and seen an old lady in a rocking chair holding a baby. She looked up and said "ill come back" ..I woke up..that was it, dream was over. A couple days later I fell asleep on the couch..we had these windchime ornament things hanging by the stairs .. I woke up to them dangling ..I seen a lady in a night gown...I hollard mom(who was staying with us at he time) and the lady stopped. I paused, waited for a response..the figure kept walking up the stairs..I hollard mom again...this time the figure turned around..this is when I realized the figure had really long hair and it was not my mother...I hurried around and turned all the lights on..she was then gone. Few nights later I heard stuff moving in the basement again...for real this time it was not a dream...I went down there, nothing ..but there was a book in the middle of the floor that I had never seen before..I opened the book and could tell right away it was very old...the book was signed and dated "Susan Gill, Sep 7th 1807" the time I thought nothing of it..obviously I thought the whole book thing was weird..but I didn't think anything of the date...the next morning I woke up looked at my alarm clock...and it was Sept 08 2007.... I got goosebumps, coldsweats, and I'm sure I lost all colour in my face. I realized the night before had been exactly 200 years ago... I did some research on our property at the local library....we used to have a sign on the front of our house that said "whisper wood".. it turns out mid 1700 's all the way through to 1850 the property was an Indian burial site.....however..there has never been anymore activity since that day funny business or anything. We have lived here 8 years before that and still live here now...we are actually moving out in June..

Just thought I'd share this creepy creepy expereince.

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