Finn is acting different

Fingers crossed for you and Finn. Looking forward to an update. Try not to worry too much Mom.
I missed all of this, I'm sorry. How is he tonight? Give him hugs from me and Abby. Give yourself a big hug too. You deserve it too! :hug:
Fingers crossed for you and Finn. Looking forward to an update. Try not to worry too much Mom.

Ditto. Wondering what the heck. I know you'll update us -- thank you for that. I hope it's nothing.
Hope he's okay, whenever my bullies act this way I usually find a torn towel or broken chewed up something and realize it's it their stomach making them feel sick.

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We're at the vets right now; seems Finn has some trauma in his mouth. It was gushing out blood when the doctor pushed the area. They're doing cbc's now to make sure his blood looks okay. His temp was in range but on higher end. Poor boy, his mouth must be hurting him. The vet asked me if he got into rat poison. I'm not aware of any unless he dug some up in the backyard. Anyways, I'm hoping he will be okay and that the bleeding will stop. Will let you guys know!
Oh no! Positive thoughts your way. Hang on Finn, Mom's there to make it better.
Ohhh Henny! Poor Finn. Hopefully it's just a do u like the vet so far? Before u get the bill??
:laugh: Youre too funny! R u here watching us?? I literally jus got the estimate for Finn! They're going to surgically remove what they think is a piece of foxtail in his gum and will surgically remove it.
OMG , I just ran into [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION] here at the vets office!! Will post a pic when I get home!!
Dang foxtails!!! I found wads of dog hair in Tidus's back gums, created a pocket too! DOG HAIR!!! Now I keep a close eye on them. I never really checked back there before, but we were in the pool and he was running around the edge of it panting when I saw something. Then everybully got a gum inspection after that. Foxtails are awful cuz they can also get embedded in their paws. I am glad I don't have those where we live.

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:ROFL: I sat outside for an hour and a half waiting for her and Finn! I'll let her post our picture but here's a couple of jake waiting impatiently! I forgot his harness and had his loose collar on so he had to sit in car! :cursing:
Vets sneaking by us
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Hope you two will actually meet up for lunch sometime now that you've said hello xxx

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