FAQ: Has your bulldog ever had Idiopathic Head Tremors?


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Jul 26, 2012
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Frank "The Tank", Bocephus Watasha Ledoux, Rampage Jackson (RIP) Bulldozer (RIP)
Bocephus has ideopathic tremors at times as well. They started right around 8-9 months as well. I did a ton of research, took him to neurologist and had tests done. The bulldog specialists that I consulted with told me that there was an 80% chance the MRI would not result in any findings. Bocephus also shakes his head back and forth and it is occasionally when he first wakes up. I opted out of the MRI in my case because I did not want to have him under again, just too risky.
He has had maybe three episodes in the past si months that I've witnessed all when he was either stressed or hadn't eaten for a while. In my case I'm convinced low blood sugar and stress trigger them. He's always responsive during the shaking and I've been assured he is absolutely no pain.
Good luck with your baby, please keep us informed


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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We opted out of an MRI because if it was any type of brain lesion or tumor...the neurologist said that he would eventually lose control of his motor functions. I chose to bypass the MRI because I didn't want them to do a spinal tap on him and I didn't want him sedated (both of which they told me would happen) This happened a few months before his first birthday and if it was going to be our one and only with Vegas, I wanted happy photos not ones with a shaved back. He is now 7 years old.

Here is our story if you are interested. Special Needs Bulldogs Forum - Bulldog spotlight: TheVegasShow


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Aug 10, 2015
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I adopted tripper about 3 weeks ago and his previous owner told me his head shakes sometimes but we didn't see it until today...it scared us..we felt helpless...i did read a post from someone on here when i was browsing so i sorta knew to try and distract him...we scratched his butt and ears and gave him his cookies....it lasted about 5 minutes ...is that a normal amount of time? I saw the carrots idea ..ill have to see if he likes them...thanks to everyone for sharing


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
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I adopted tripper about 3 weeks ago and his previous owner told me his head shakes sometimes but we didn't see it until today...it scared us..we felt helpless...i did read a post from someone on here when i was browsing so i sorta knew to try and distract him...we scratched his butt and ears and gave him his cookies....it lasted about 5 minutes ...is that a normal amount of time? I saw the carrots idea ..ill have to see if he likes them...thanks to everyone for sharing

They can last for a few seconds to about 30 minutes is the longest i have experienced. Any type of treat will help, it is just to help distract the muscles and know they are alert... it they do not respond or take the treat it could be more serious


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A friend of mine has a bully who has had tremors occasionally. They were away for a long time, but returned this spring. Some say that it is cause of lack of vitamin B's. Can be that they're not getting enough or something, medication or other inbalance, is causing the B's not to absorbe. Vitamin B's play a big role in the nerve system and this bully hasn't had a tremor since she started giving him Vitamin B supplement. Vitamin B's are also water soluble, so there is no risk of over dose.


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Oct 22, 2015
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My Tank has them ever so often when he gets to excited. They do not last to long but I just make him feel safe and hold him until they stop.


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Dec 16, 2014
Fairfax, VA
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Taco had head tremors once in the middle of the night. It was terrifying, and he woke us up because the bed was shaking. I had read about them, and we had just moved, so it was probably stress, or excitement, or both. It went away fairly quickly, about a minute or so, but it was really concerning not knowing what to do at the time. We have not seen it again since.

cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
The Crown City (Pasadena)
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Tate Rory & Finn Paddington
Finn may have experienced idiopathic head tremors this afternoon for the first time. The boys' pet sitter came to let them out and she noticed Finn's head bobbing every which way. He was acting normal otherwise, though. I was at work when she called me and she tried to sound as calm as could be but i knew she was panicking and was trying to not sound panicky so that I wouldn't worry. Luckily i was able to leave work early. Finn seems like his usual self to me and I'm going to just keep monitoring him. Now that I've read a bit about IHT's here and hearing about other's experiences with it, I feel much better.

Opie CHL

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Dec 4, 2012
Patchogue, NY
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Finn may have experienced idiopathic head tremors this afternoon for the first time. The boys' pet sitter came to let them out and she noticed Finn's head bobbing every which way. He was acting normal otherwise, though. I was at work when she called me and she tried to sound as calm as could be but i knew she was panicking and was trying to not sound panicky so that I wouldn't worry. Luckily i was able to leave work early. Finn seems like his usual self to me and I'm going to just keep monitoring him. Now that I've read a bit about IHT's here and hearing about other's experiences with it, I feel much better.
If you have any questions pm me..chum gets them quite often. Good luck to Finn he'll be fine..but it is upsetting to watch.


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Apr 10, 2016
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Yes, they freak me out. I have noticed a trigger in our 6yr old bulldog- he gets them when he is cold, (like after a bath) or when he has had an unusual amount of activity or stress. We give him a spoonful of honey and that seems to stop them. He has an episode probably every 3 or 4 months.

Is it due to low blood sugar?


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Is it due to low blood sugar?

it is unknown what the cause is, most can identify a trigger, but vets have not been able to determine a cause. They are common in dobermans, rottweillers, and bulldogs

Opie CHL

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Dec 4, 2012
Patchogue, NY
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Chum gets them randomly..sometimes he'll go months without one and other times hell do it daily for a week straight. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to them. Some say they give their bullies honey or a sugar treat but with Chumley just the distraction of Chewing makes them stop instantly. The sugar doesn't even get into his system yet So I know it's not a low sugar thing with him...I've even put a treat in his mouth and pulled it out quick and the tremors disappear...I've never withheld the treat to see how long it actually lasts...I've tried but he looks at me so pathetically while his head shakes I always give in...
when they first started I went to two vets for two separate opinions...one wanted to do extensive testing..the other explained it's common in bulldogs...it's not painful and more upsetting for is to watch than it is for them...he said you can spend thousands in tests and it still won't help anything ...that was 4 years ago..we live with them now. I think thats my biggest fear of leaving him alone when we go away for the day or on vacation...that he'll have a tremor that lasts a long time with nobody around to snap him out of it with a treat.
Good luck with bear I'm sure he'll be fine as long as they're tremors and not a seizure I think you're ok!


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Jun 28, 2016
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My bulldog has had head tremors for 2 years now. A tablespoon of natural honey in her food daily keeps them away!


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Jun 28, 2016
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My bulldog has had head tremors for 2 years now. There doest seem to be a trigger. A tablespoon of natural honey in her food daily keeps them away!


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Oct 6, 2016
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My bully has had head tremors the past two nights, they only last 30 seconds or so and they stop immediately if I give him any type of food. He's extremely responsive (walks and listens to commands). I understand that this is common in the breed; however, I am worried that this may continue or worsen. I am going to give him yogurt with his dinner and peanut butter before bed in hopes that this might help. Has anyone experience these episodes on a frequent basis?

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