Ears and Noses ...


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
Two questions:--

What do you all use as your usual ear cleaner. Maggie had an ear infection which we went to the vet for, and just as that cleared up she seems to have got it in the other ear. I am already considering changing her food and leaning towards the Fromm Grain free surf & turf which seems to have got a few good comments on this forum. I picked some ear cleaner up from Walmart but not too impressed and would like to get another one to see if we can stop this infection bouncing from one ear to the next!! :guns:

The other question is, does anybody else's bullie suffer from a dried up nose!! It's only in the last year that this has happened. Her nose looks dried and "scaley" although it's not cracked and doesn't seem to bother her. She drinks enough so I don't believe she's dehydrated. Another bullie owner said they put vaseline on their dogs nose in the winter because his dog suffered in the cold weather. That doesn't seem to be really solving the problem though ... just stopping it from getting any worse.

Would appreciate any advice!! :bully:
I'm not too much help on this one. Not sure what the brand is for the ear cleaner I use (I'll look when I get home tonight) but its the kind wear you put a generous amount of drops in their ear, rub the base of the ear then let the pup shake it out. Helps work out all the debris deep down, then you use a cotton ball to wipe out their ear. Be careful you don't start cleaning the ear using these over the counter solutions too soon. Samson got his first ear infection in May and it keeps coming back. The vet told me those solutions can irritate the ear more if the infection is still lingering. As far as the noce, Samson's is dry alot and all I know to do is the vaseline too. I have recently switched Samson over to that Fromm Surf & Turf and so far so good.
I actually just use baby wipes to clean my boys ears but his are actually never dirty. Mugsy on the other hand does get build up and the baby wipes seem to do a pretty good job. We dont have ear infections tho here so I am of no help in that department. As for the nose all I know is also the vaseline and it moistens Cuttys nose up just fine but doesnt seem to help with the cracks in it either. I have a hard time with the vaseline cuz once I put it on Cutty is on a mission to lick it back off. :rolleyes: I often wonder what about maybe vitamin e oil? If you get the thicker ones with the higher iu concentrate it should go on ok. I know I use it for healing things up faster and I bet it would help with the nose but for me Cutty again would just lick it off.
Here is some suggestions from our facebook page:

snoot soother from Carolina Pet Pantry !!!
Malacetic octic(sp? for ears.
Vitamin E oil and Vasaline for nose.
Epi-optic for ears
Anything we put on thier noses, they lick it off
I've used "Musher's secret" that I bought at Dave's. It comes in a little tub and looks like vaseline but thicker, we use it on Horse's pads of his feet and his nose, and it works wonders, it's kinda expensive but lasts a long time and makes his paws super soft and keeps his nose nice and moist!
As an ear cleaner we use diluted Apple cider vinegar. Here is some more info on using ACV http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/ear_infection.html
I also add ACV to their water daily (1 table spoon per gallon)

Halo's nose used to get dry often and we used vasailne I have also been told you can use Bag balm but haven't tried it and since switching to Anaca Pacifica Halos nose has been sufer soft and moist!
I use baby wipes on Gertie's ears. I do them everyday, when I wash her wrinkles, so they don't get dirty. So far her nose hasn't been dry, so can recommend anything.
i as well use baby wipes to clean spike's wrinkles and his ears...although he hates getting his ears cleaned :( i do use vaseline somebody told me it helps to keep them dry...hmmm idk
i as well use baby wipes to clean spike's wrinkles and his ears...although he hates getting his ears cleaned :( i do use vaseline somebody told me it helps to keep them dry...hmmm idk

and i use the vaseline on the wrinkles...i think the vet told me to do that actually lol
Thanks for all the help and advice!!! I'm going to look up some of the nose suggestionson the internet, although it's difficult because what Maggie forgets to lick off she runs over to the couch and rubs it off running up and down along the side ...... oh yay :eek: ... nice grease marks along the furniture!

We're taking her to the vets for the other ear today - thanks for the avice TessaAndSamson about not using the ear cleaner until that ear is healthy again! We already use the baby wipes on her wrinkles so maybe I'll try using those on her ears too.
I agree with cali~jenn. I use regular unscented Baby wipes to clean 'Maximus' ears. They do sell specific wipes for Ears, but I find them outrageously expensive. So I just use baby wipes. As for the nose,
I use vaseline, and I also use CHAPSTICK - it's less "goopy". A very lite covering of regular Vaseline is fine. Maximus does not lick it off.
I used Vaseline for the nose - simple and does the trick.

I use GlenHaven ear cleaner, prescribed by my vet. One bottle is around $20 and lasts a long time. I use the formula that combats yeast and bacteria to help stave off ear infections. If you do not suspect ear infection or you just want to get some wax out, you can use peroxide and vinegar mixture and wipe out with a cloth or baby wipe.

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