Dozer passed away today! I am heartbroken!


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
I know i havent been on in a long time, life, moving , new baby coming ect. BUt I really needs somebulldog friends right now. Ileft my house to get milk today and when I came back in I found my 11 month old puppy on the floor not breathing. I tried cpr and rushed him to the vet. They tried everything, but my very best friend, my baby couldnt be saved. We have no real explaination. We were offered an autospy but I coulnd't leave my boy there all a lone :begging:. I brought him home to be with his family. My heart is broken in a million pieces and I feel like I will never heal.
O my goodness I am so sorry dozer will be missed dearly from everyone here at ebn and at home. I will keep y'all in my thoughts while y'all are trying to heal the horrible pain....
If u need anything we will all be here for u.

We will miss you sweet dozer....
OMG I'm soooo sorry to hear this! He will definitely be missed and we are all here for you. I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling right now. :(
OMG I really don't know what to say except I am SO SO SORRY. I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling. I know you loved him very much and took great care of him, I am sure whatever it is was out of your control. Just know we are here for you. I wish there was more that I could do or say.
Oh my, how heartbreaking. Sincerest prayers of comfort for your family.
I am so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. Prayers and cyber hugs are coming your way from me and Lucy.
My sweet boy, my best friend, the best dog I have ever had


OMG, I AM SO SO SORRY to hear this!!! Brought tears to my eyes :( I can only imagine your pain, thoughts and prayers to you!! :pray::hug:
Oh..I am so very sorry. Words can't take away your pain and the total shock you are feeling right now. He was a beautiful guy and he knew how loved he was. I'm so sorry.
This is terrible news. My heart is breaking for you. Dozer is watching over you now, your own little bully angel. RIP beautiful Dozer.
I am so terribly sorry for your loss *HUGE HUGS*. I am sure that the shock of it all isn't helping. Just remember, you loved him endlessly and cared for him wonderfully and he will be watching over you and waiting for the time you will be together again. I completely understand that you just couldn't leave him there, I doubt I could have either. He is a beautiful boy and will be sorely missed.

Take care of yourself and try to keep your chin up.
My heart is aching for you and the loss you feel. It's hard to imagine such a thing. Please accept my deepest heartfelt sympathy. This is such a shock. Peace be with you my dear Bully friend.

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