Do you have a "plopper" and a "foot dragger"??


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
My shih tzu goes to lay down and he's so gentle...slowly lowers himself to the floor to sleep. Chester... you can hear him PLOP in the living room when he goes to lay down on the cool kitchen floor. Just like the foot dragging (which I think I've mentioned before - my brother in law comes over and tells him "pick up your feet" :lol: ) His footprints in the snow are hilarious - no well-defined paw prints, just drag marks :D
Lola is a loud plopper....not sure about Brodie! You can hear her plop down too and she will let out a big sigh, like plopping down took alot out of her!
Hmmmm.... this is a hard one. Sometimes they are gentle and quiet, and sometimes they plop down. I don't know what makes the difference.
Gracie is usually pretty quiet. The one time we hear her is when she gets 3/4 of the way out of her bed in the middle of the night and plops down on the hardwood floor of our bedroom. Maybe its more of a thud than a plop tho... ROFL :p
Lucy does more of a "perleeeeeaase pick me up mummy i'm so tired" type noise :D
butler does both, but when he lays down gently he makes this sigh/grunt/moan as he goes down. so both styles of laying down are loud!
saban is definately a plopper. it actually scared me when we first got him home, lol. he played like crazy, then next thing i knew, i heard a big "thump" and looked and he had flopped over and was out like a it :heart:
All 3 of my dogs are ploppers. I know which dog is which walking on the wood halls by the way each walk.

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