Do you feed meat too??


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I had Vegas at the vet today for his allergy shot, (hopefully his last, since it should start cooling down, it is still sunny and in the 90's here) I told the vet about changing his food to Nature's Variety grain/gluten free food and giving him fruits and veggies for snacks. My vet thought that was fantastic but told me to give him about 3 times a week, meat like hamburger, chicken, etc., Do those of you that have your dog on Vegas's kind of diet do this? My vet said he needs the extra protein. Just wondering....
I dont give any meats other than what they get in the foods but that doesnt mean I shouldnt I guess? Interesting. I would think there would be enough protein in the food we feed no?
that is an interesting question cant wait to hear what the others have to say!!!
Even though I feed a high protein diet I do still give them meats and veggies/fruits with their food. The kibble I feed is made from bison and venison so I will cook fish, chicken, turkey and beef for them. Fruits are given fresh and veggies are gently steamed in the microwave.

Even though our furkids are a far cry from wolves, picture wolves for a moment. They may occasionally forage and eat greens, berries nuts etc, but their main diet is meat. A pack of wolves take down a deer, a common food item. Even though thats all meat they are eating, they also eat the gut contents of the animal, which nine times out of ten, includes greens etc. Thats where they get their vegetable portion in the wild. The gut contents are already breaking down and easier for the animal to digest.

I actually have a book, "Home Cooking for a Healthy Dog" and it states in there that at least half of the diet should be animal products (Meat, eggs, fish, dairy) and less than half being grains vegetables and legumes. Carbohydrates aren't as good for dogs as Pedigree and Purina believe lol!
I don't on a set basis but I do like to make plain meat for my pups like boiled/baked boneless skinless chicken breast or lean hamburger meat when I think about it.
Your vet knows what he's doing, I'm sure, but it's interesting to me that he's saying "more meat" when the grain-free food is FULL of meat. Hmmm....
I know every bully is different but all I know is with Blossom's allergies she can not eat hamburger or chicken. My vet those are the worst for allergies in dogs. so we feed her pork, duck and venison things like that. She got into Mack's bowl for like 1 min once and got hamburger and with in an hour her eyes were all red and around them swollen and she was itching at them till they were almost shut. Took her next AM to the vet and that's when she told me about the hamburger and chicken, have stayed away from that no trouble since. She is now no longer red around her mouth and her eyes are clear. She to also was switched to Nature's Variety Rabbit dry and canned it has worked wonders for her and Mack who really had no trouble except a small tear stain eats it now to and no more tear stains. I also only feed 1/2 cup dry then put 1/2 meat, veggies in with it and they do great with it.
I would hardly think he needs more protein on Nature's Variety Instinct. It is a high protein diet!
hmmm Beefy can't have dog food right now but i do feed raw chicken or grilled fish to the girl with fresh veggies about 3x a week.
Interesting stuff [MENTION=400]froggz[/MENTION] - I feed Linus Nature's Variety Instinct Grain Free and I went with that brand over others because of the absence of potatoes and sweet potatoes as a main ingredient, despite the protein content being pretty high for an somewhat inactive dog. My understanding is the Nature's Variety Instinct is dry, "kibble-ized" meat - so I am not certain why the vet would recommend a supplement for your bully but, if it were me, I think I would just ask what the rationale is behind the recommendation...I'd be interested to know!
[MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION], [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], I wanted to post this earlier, after I put the original post on 10/29, and got some answers back I was telling my husband what everyone was saying about this. He went with me to the Vet, he said "No Kelly He did NOT say to give him meat on top of his Nature's Variety Instinct food, he said if WE were eating meat to give him a bite a couple times a week" I totally mis-understood. The reasoning's was that dogs use to be carnivor's and only eat meat, now Vegas is on Nature's Variety grain/gluten free and fruits and veggies (no potato's) for his snacks. I guess for a "treat" he wanted me to give him a few bites of meat for treat reasons. Thank god my husband was with me and corrected me. I do not cook him his own meat, but will give him a few bites of my chicken, or what ever meat I am eating a couple times a week . I am glad I got the opportunity to explain what REALLY was said.... compared to what I heard. :eek:
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LOL isn't it funny how we hear things differently? I guess that makes us human :)
Oh okay - thanks for following up! I was especially interested since that's what we're feeding Linus.
I feed Maximus Organic Chicken at dinner time. I usually buy Trader Joe's Organic chicken tenders, and boil them up for him at dinner. He loves warm fresh Chicken. It's a supplement to his diet and I think he enjoys it immensely.

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