Do you dress your bully for Halloween??


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
I know it's not quite September..but wondering if you dress you bully for Halloween? What kind of costumes.. and photos if you have them :) I think it would be fun to dress up Chester, we get TONS of kids.
I want to take Bear trick or treating but we have to go to a different neighborhood so I won't be. I am going to dress him up if anything just to take pictures!
I wish I could but everyone complains..."don't do that to her" Geeze. I got Abby dressed up one year, but that is probably the last. Oh well, at least Bella got to try one on. Yesterday at Petco.


I like to dress the dogs but I've always had larger bullies (67 & 79 pounds) so nothing really ever fit very well. I have a couple cute pics I will sit on in anticipation of the next photo of the month contest...maybe. :)
I think it's a cute idea, maybe when the girls are older. Right now they play so wild, they'd destroy each other's costumes. They'll only be 5 months old at Halloween. So maybe next year.
Okay, just one pic...I forgot how many costumes I did squeeze the boys into during Halloween!

Linus was a pimp a couple years ago, the ladies went wild over him! :p

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honestly I don't, but thats only because I have 4 kids to dress. Not saying I never will tho- cuz they look so darn cute!!! I love those pics!!! How cute!!!! Permission to add to bullies all dressed up plz!
Jillh10: I love the pimp costume. That is so great. I also think your new avatar is great too!!!
MrPig.jpgSirBoo.JPGWe don't have kids, our furbabies are our kids for now and are treated as such LOL Samson has his tux and piggy suit (because he's my lil piggy). Loki my beagle has a skunk costume but being the stinker she is never sits still long enough to get a good picture of her in it. I also reindeer antlers for Christmas, bunny ears for Easter, geez all kinds of stuff to dress them up in really :) This is a crappy picture of him in his pig outfit but he doesn't like it too much, having something over his head and all.
Speaking of pigs...The first year we had Abby, she was only 3 months old at Halloween. I opened the door to some trick-or-treaters and Abby ran away. While she was running down the hall the little girls said "wow is that a baby pig?" I was like "no that is my puppy" They just giggled and my kids never let Abby forget it.
NO! Absolutely not. Dressing them up is horrible! You should all be ashamed of yourselves....

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