DIARRHEA again . . . .HELP!


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Jun 6, 2010
Toms River, New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Well, I'm back .. . . . .

Yep, Maximus is still having soft stool. Initially it was the Giardia, but now the VET says the Giardia is gone. But his stool is still light colored and total MUSH! I'm at my wits end! This just will not stop .
As I said in previous postings, I have Maximus on Fromm Puppy Food, and will be switching him to Fromm Duck and Sweet Potatoe. However, I have also been giving Maximus pieces of Innova Large Breed Puppy food, and now I'm thinking its the Innova that is giving him diarrhea!

So, I think I have to really eliminate all dog food for a day and put him back on a Bland home-made Lamb and Rice meal, with some boiled Sweet Potatoe included, and a good Anti-Diarrheal for dogs.
I'm still giving him daily Probiotics as well.....

So, does anyone have any other thoughts for me.....?

Thanks guys !

- Patrick
My male bulldog also gets diarrhea when he eats any canned food. May be the preservatives putted inside make it. When one of my dogs has diarrhea I gave them "Smecta". It's a human diarrhea medicine and it works.
Try with home made food but may be chicken is better then lamb. Have in mind that any change in the food cause diarrhea first few days.
I hope it will work:)))
How fast are you switching foods?
Chester had this when he was about 3 1/2 months old.. it was a whole week of boiled hamburger and rice..nothing else. It finally calmed his gut down.
Stop giving the probiotics would be my suggestion. When our two pups kept having diarhea, Lisa called the vet and was wondering if the could have had coccidia, and the vet said to quit giving them yogurt in their puppy mush. We stopped and within a day they firmed up.

Probiotics are wonderful, but sometimes they can cause either diarrhea or constipation is what the vet told her. Sure enough, he was right. many good foods already contain probiotics, so the added probiotics can be too much, maybe...?

We still give yogurt to all of our dogs in their food once every few days, but just a small spoonful, and we only use plain yogurt.
I was thinking what desertskybulldogs said, how often have you changed the food over what period of time?
Do you have canned pumpkin available where you are? Here in Cali it is impossible to find right now but if you can find it a spoonful of it a day will help a lot. Maybe your poor boy has just had enough of the diff foods and meds etc and needs some time to rest. Maybe make him some chicken and rice for a couple days will help. Also like everyone else said how fast are you switching foods? Cutty cant handle a switch faster than about 3 weeks with the runs.
Re: DIARRHEA again . .. HELP!

Well, I know here in New Jersey you can only find canned Pumpkin in the Fall between Halloween and Thanksgiving. You won't see it in stores any other time of the year......
Right now, Maximus is eating home-made Lamb and Rice, or Lamb and boiled Sweet Potatoes. I have stopped his Probiotics, and so far today his stools are much improved. I think his food was being changed rather quickly and rapidly, which obviously caused a problem. I have also given Maximus
Anti-Diarrheal medication, so he is on the road to recovery I think.....
Thank you all for your concern...
cut the dog food out entirely for at least 24 hrs. to give his stomach and gastro tract time to relax. Cooked WHITE rice works wonders....and yes pumpkin but it has to be real pumpkin not the stuff you buy from Libby's to make pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving...we're talking the real deal which you can still find in a can but you just have to make sure it's real pumpkin. Hope that helps.
cut the dog food out entirely for at least 24 hrs. to give his stomach and gastro tract time to relax. Cooked WHITE rice works wonders....and yes pumpkin but it has to be real pumpkin not the stuff you buy from Libby's to make pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving...we're talking the real deal which you can still find in a can but you just have to make sure it's real pumpkin. Hope that helps.

Yes the 100% real pumpkin, not the pie filling, 2 diff things. I know usually it is a year round item here but from what i have been told the season was so bad last year that the companies ran out. I do know of people in Ohio and other areas that have it available to them now just like in the fall. All I can say is when fall comes I am stocking up like crazy this year so I dont have to search for it later.

I hope Maximus keeps doing better, poor thing! Keep us updated.
I feel your pain! Tuffy has suffered from soft poop problems since I brought him home. I tried high end foods (Fromm, California Natural, Wellness, Canidae) to no avail. Probiotics and yogut made it worse. One thing that did help when he got the runs was Diabac for dogs. That stuff is a miracle workers. Finally I switched him to a lower rated food, Purina Lamb and Rice out of desperation...and he had the firmest poop he'd ever had. But then he started having skin issues and I suspect it was the corn filler in that food. So now I'm slowly switching him to Natural balance LID Lamb and Rice to see if it'll help. Recently I put him on The Perfect Form by The Honest Kitchen. It is a stool firmer supplement with pumpkin seed and it works like a charm. I mix a teaspoon in Tuffy's morning and evening meals. http://www.thehonestkitchen.com/products/perfect-form/

Best of luck!!
Update: Maximus is doing better . . . . .

Well, I think MAXIMUS is doing better. I had to tweek a few things .....one was to cut down on the Probiotics I was giving him, and I also now have him on a permanent food --- FROMM Duck and Sweet Potatoe, plus I also give him home-made Lamb & Sweet Potatoe, which he loves! I buy ground Lamb and boil up some Sweet Potatoes, and he goes wild. This is a special treat he gets a few times a week. His stool has firmed up quite nicely! I'm very happy indeed! I think the inferior dog food and the Probiotics were the culprit. Probiotics are great for dogs, but not every day.......so I am very glad I have this problem under control.

Thanks also for the link for the "Perfect Form". What a great product. I think I'm gonna get some......
Glad to hear Maximus is doing better. How do you cook up the ground lamb--like ground beef in a frying pan? I'd love to try that for Tuffy on occasion.

I was skeptical about Perfect Form because everything I else tried never worked and I worried it would be more money down the drain but I have to say that stuff is AMAZING! Wish I'd known about it months ago... And their customer service dept. is awesome. I emailed them twice with questions on how to administer the product and they responded immediately. Let me know how it works for Maximus if you end up getting it.

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