Bully-resolutions (Bulldog related New Years Resolutions)


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
So, as we approach the new year, what are your 'Bully-resolutions'? Anything related to your bulldog you are going to do more?

I plan on bathing my babies more often, now that I will soon have the Dog Booster.
not spoil him as much?? haha dont think that one will ever happen... i would say start feeding him better treats :whistle:

actually we are looking into adopting a bully from the lonestar bulldog rescue, mr bosley he is so sweet.. hopefully we will be able to do it end of jan begining of feb!!! i hope it'll all work out ive been eyeing him for some time now for some reason i am drawn to him and jeff says if we can scrap up the money and at the same time pay off bills he will be ours!! ive never adopted one so not sure the process but guess it'll be a learning experience!

so my resolution is to adopt a bullie and make lex and bo a big brother!!
This one is easy. My resolution is to get another bully!!!! or at least try. As for Bear, its to spoil him even more.
Since Stiggy's going to start training school next month, my resolution is to be more persistent and not give in too easily in giving him treats. lol.
I am going to try to be more of a disciplinary figure with Vegas, he minds his daddy, and ignores me when I try to correct him. The humping/jumping on people has got to stop!!
oh if only mine were possible it would be: to make them scratch their own butt! (I am being nice in my wording)

I love spoiling my bullies, even spoiled brats, they give me no lip or stress like my spoiled skin-kids. (hence the empty-nest this year)
I guess I would have to say, bathe them more.
If money and land was not a concern, rescue many Bullies and let them live in a Bully Assisted living home forever. LOL
Continue spoiling them both! I agree with the bathing more...it's just NOT fun. I end up with more soap and water on me than Lola has on her and she is the one being bathed! Get Lola's cherry eye fixed...again! I just don't want them to have to put her to sleep......she did not do good the last time so not sure if I will "hit" that resolution.
I plan to make sure she has her healthy treats EVERY DAY! I always remember at bedtime. I :heart: the answers above and make her a big sister in the spring!
My resolution is to MAKE SURE I wash wrinkles every day! My girls get their bath once a week, which is partly why I guess I don't wash faces more. But, let me tell you, I cheat. I have a 12 year old granddaughter who wanted a cell phone. So Grammie pays the cell bill and Rylee baths the Bullies, picks up the yard, etc. Works out great!!
My resolution is to MAKE SURE I wash wrinkles every day! My girls get their bath once a week, which is partly why I guess I don't wash faces more. But, let me tell you, I cheat. I have a 12 year old granddaughter who wanted a cell phone. So Grammie pays the cell bill and Rylee baths the Bullies, picks up the yard, etc. Works out great!!

That is so awesome! I used to use it that chore for "allowance" money, however no more kids at home. Hmmm wonder what the kids next door want.
We hired a big kid to do the :poo: cleanup. When the economy went :down: a friend of ours was really struggling and started his own business. "k-9 Clean up". He comes once a week regardless of the weather. He usually shows up on Friday...so if we have weekend BBQ plans we usually only have a few poos to clean up. My husband was thinking of cancelling him for the winter to save some money and I :eek: told him "Are you kidding me?" Personally, I'd rather cut down on the cable channels and keep the pooper scooper. So, we are keeping him.

Our resolution will be to change to food to a grain free and try it out. Also, really work on getting her tearstains under control and work on the chin stains also. I'd like to say "get Orion into daycare" but I don't think that will be happening.
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Also, really work on getting her tearstains under control and work on the chin stains also.

i know you know tons about bullies so don't take offense: have you tried to use hydrogen peroxide to clean up the stains? when i had my first two ebs they were eating royal canin bulldog :down: and it had beet pulp in it, it stained chas' face and i used hydrogen peroxide to remove the stains, it worked great! and then i switched their food and it wasn't a problem anymore.
Hmm... well as Maggie already gets spoilt rotten, then I can only say to continue to give her the treatment she deserves. :up: Daddy is already getting treated the same!

At a push I will say what others have said, and bathe them more. Also, to try and take them for more walks. It's not as easy to walk the dogs here, as the summer is so hot and humid and then we have these icy cold snow days in winter. I keep saying that north-east ohio has only got two seasons out of the four it's supposed to have!! They would be 7-8 months of winter and 2-3months of scorching summer with spring and fall taking up about 2-3 weeks total!!!

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