Bad manners, the double standard..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
I don't know about all of you..but if my husband or child walked around the house snorting, farting, burping, and breathing heavy that snot comes out of their nose and then snore up a storm half the day while stretched out all over... I would have very little patience or tolerance for it. There is ONE living creature however that CAN get away with those nasty manners in this house :bully:
I have a teenager who will test this theory, but he knows, you are correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
If people were close to as cute as bullies, maybe they could get away with it...but they're not!
What, I am not supposed to do those things? :eek:
SOoooo true!!!!
:rolleyes:The phrase "Who farted. her or you?" has become one of Bruce's favorite sayings recently. :p
When my son was 6mos old he needed surgery for a club foot. When the Dr was taking off his cast, Pierce passed gas. The Dr laughed and said "you can only get away with this if you are very young or very old" I thought that was a cute saying.
How true!! However I have a husband and sons who aren't much more "refined" than everybody's bullies! Why is it that Bullies are so gassy? I can see snorting and snoring and the flat-face related noises, but why the gas? As we speak, Gertie is asleep next to my chair and there's a green cloud rising. Ida doesn't do it, but Gertie can make your eyes water. Never any noise, just "silent killers"!!
How true!! However I have a husband and sons who aren't much more "refined" than everybody's bullies! Why is it that Bullies are so gassy? I can see snorting and snoring and the flat-face related noises, but why the gas? As we speak, Gertie is asleep next to my chair and there's a green cloud rising. Ida doesn't do it, but Gertie can make your eyes water. Never any noise, just "silent killers"!!

I believe it has to do with how fast they eat their food/drink water. Not sure though have not looked into it fully yet.

From swallowing air while eating/drinking is what I am thinking tho...
Since Piggy's arrival my husband no thinks it's cute to walk around burping and farting.
Yesterday I called him out on it.

His exact words..."Piggy does it and you think it's cute. I'm just trying to be cute."
Desertsky: Your theory fails with these two. Ida goobles her food so fast, I'm sure she NEVER chews, and she's not gassy. Gertie eats slowly and is the gassy one. :confused: But your idea makes sense.
Since Piggy's arrival my husband no thinks it's cute to walk around burping and farting.
Yesterday I called him out on it.

His exact words..."Piggy does it and you think it's cute. I'm just trying to be cute."

That's funny! :D
Vegas never has had a gas problem......Our cute petite little lady? She burps and farts and snores to loud she shakes the house!

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