People who feed your dog "treats"..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
I have a neighbor who means well..she loves dogs - as a matter of fact she has some of her own. But..she gives Chester treats that aren't good for him.. including rawhide :eek: After the rawhide I said something.. and finally the other day I told her that Chester had an ear infection and the vet told us that we were feeding him the right food (Avoderm)..but probably not the right treats (which we weren't :eek: ) She did comment, that she won't give him any more treats. Not only that, because she gives him those (and our other dog)..they will stand by the fence and NOT come into the house as they lie in wait to see if she will come out of her house and give them something :rolleyes:
that is funny. Bella gets NO treats due to her EPI, before she was diagnosed, we would give her raw carrots and blueberries. She would go "bowling for berries" we would roll them down the hall (hardwood floors) and she would run after them. It was a game to her. We really messed her up when we would throw 3 at a time.
that is funny. Bella gets NO treats due to her EPI, before she was diagnosed, we would give her raw carrots and blueberries. She would go "bowling for berries" we would roll them down the hall (hardwood floors) and she would run after them. It was a game to her. We really messed her up when we would throw 3 at a time.

Wish you had a video of that. lol

Yeah, that would be annoying to me [MENTION=530]LisaRN[/MENTION] even though she means well.... especially the part about not wanting to come inside!
Yes irritating for sure. I would just explain to her what the vet said maybe and mention how you now have to give just veggies as snacks. You wouldnt even necessarily have to direct it towards her giving them any, just as a matter of fact type of conversation maybe? When we got Cutty I was very vocal to everyone who came for parties to not share food cuz someone did share a hamburger with him once and he threw it up. Nobody claimed it of course but after that I became very vocal about it. People dont understand that bullies arent like every other pup out there.
Haha, it's a nice thing to do but not if it's bad for the dogs. If you like her, maybe give her a bag of decent treats to stash at her place to feed the pups. My neighbors on one side are petrified of the dogs and constantly ask if they bite. I am tempted to say "yeah, hard too!" >.<
I'm glad you said something to her LisaRN!!! I always feel bad for Sam because when ever we go to a pet store they ask me if he can have a treat. Well he knows the word so he gets all excited but the treats they give out are always the crappy ones and I have to say no, he has allergies :(
I actually just came inside from having this exact conversation with my neighbor! She doesn't like dogs, but loves Horse and actually asked me what kind of treats she could give him! (knowing he has allergies). So, I listed off a bunch of fruit and veggies that he loves. She was happy to hear the "treat" list, as she already has many of his favorites in her fridge! Last time we were at the vet, I felt so bad because everyone we saw there would offer Horse a treat and I Kept having to say no (they were snausages!!!).
Yes irritating for sure. I would just explain to her what the vet said maybe and mention how you now have to give just veggies as snacks. You wouldnt even necessarily have to direct it towards her giving them any, just as a matter of fact type of conversation maybe? When we got Cutty I was very vocal to everyone who came for parties to not share food cuz someone did share a hamburger with him once and he threw it up. Nobody claimed it of course but after that I became very vocal about it. People dont understand that bullies arent like every other pup out there.

Just what I was going to say! Your neighbour obviously enjoys giving Chester treats, so in a conversation just mention all the veggie treats he loves!! That way everybody is happy!

My in-laws do the same thing with treats and Maggie. She even knows where they keep their little stash of biscuit treats but they are not the type we would ever get for her. They don't even have dogs so they must get them just for her. Luckily, Maggie doesn't have allergies or a whole lot of problems with food but on Labor day when the family were about to give her the FOURTH biscuit she started to gag a bit and they stopped! Thank goodness!! How do you politely tell the in-laws that their biscuits are bad :eek: We're thinking of taking a mini-bag of veggies next time we take Maggie anyway and just pretending that's all she can eat!
I think that would get to me as well, but I do let freinds and strangers give treats to the dogs. But they are treats that I've picked out and have on hand. I really like the natural balance line of limited ingredient treats when I don't have homemade ones on hand.

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