Arnold Ziffle


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
after spending two days at home sick.. I have finally figured out what Chester sounds like walking around the house. For those of you that remember the TV show "Green Acres".. Chester is the "voice double" of Arnold Ziffle. :whistle:
I missed out on this ... I don't know who Arnold Ziffle is ???? :confused:
[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] Arnold Ziffle is Mr and Mrs Ziffle's pig.. and he snorts! And I dare say..he was VERY spoiled.. so, Chester mirrors him in more ways than one! :lol:

Here he is.. if you go to about 3:45 on the'll hear him snorting and see how spoiled he was!!

Chester is better looking!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Joe has said that about Vegas since the day we got him! I grew up watching Green Acres so I know exactly who you are talking about, and there definately is a similarity with Arnold and our bullys!!!!
Thanks for the memories. I watched the whole thing. Too funny, ahhhhh how nice an innocent TV was back then.
That's so cute .... !! The Waltons, and Little House on the Prairie made it over to UK but not this!!

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