
Active member
Aug 15, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Murphy Hudson Nash & Milton Virgil
Murphy has had this smell on his back for the past 3 weeks.
It is truly an indescribable smell.
I thought it might be his anal glands but it's not.

Washed him, it went away and then it would come back.

We took him to play today and one of the dog trainers smelled and said it could be yeast.
( I've heard people say yeast smells of Fritos-but that isn't what this smells like)
Burnt hair-musky/ that is the answer from my husband.
Maybe idk

I would bathe him and rinse and rinse to make sure no more soap was on him but he would still get dandruff two days later.

I have him on an oatmeal shampoo from the pharmacy.

She recommended the sulfodene shampoo/conditioner because it could possibly be yeast.
Going to try this and see what happens.

His belly isn't irritated or red
His paws are perfectly fine
Just his back, from his neck almost to him tail.

Has anyone used this before??
I really hope this works, not sure what the culprit is, if it actually is yeast.
Too much moisture from not getting dry enough, food etx

I will definitely be making a vet trip if it doesn't clear up.
And the area isn't inflamed at all. Just smelly lol

I really don't want to have to put him through changing his food.
I mean he wouldn't mind, he will eat anything!!!

I have used the sulfodene shampoo before, and it worked… it definitely could be allergy related, and oatmeal baths may be contributing to it. Most grains cause issues for bulldogs… I would take him to the vet if it continues. What type of food are you feeding him?
We have him on what the breeder fed him.
He seemed o be alright on it

Kirkland chicken rice and veggie

Morning he gets coconut oil with breakfast
Lunch he gets yogurt or pumpkin
Dinner he gets green beans.

This started about 3 weeks ago. We have had him since August.
Kept him on the same oatmeal shampoo too.

He doesn't ever try to itch his back or anything.

We tried to give him a treat a while back and the next day his back was soooo lumpy. So he doesn't get the treat anymore
So we know he was allergic to that.

Going to try the shampoo today and hope for the best.
if not the anal glands, it must be yeast forming in his tailpocket. i use the gold bond spray on a wipe and wipe his tailpocket with it. It kills the yeast
if not the anal glands, it must be yeast forming in his tailpocket. i use the gold bond spray on a wipe and wipe his tailpocket with it. It kills the yeast

His tail pocket is good anal glands are good.
It's the weirdest thing. The smell in only in the middle of his back.
He hasn't rolled on anything-hates being on his back.
He gets a daily dry bath with malacetic wipes, witch hazel etc.
going to let him play today, then scrub him down tonight.
I'll keep you updated :)

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