Gland smell.


New member
Jun 27, 2024
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
King George
Hi everyone.

I know there are similar threads regarding anal gland smells and issues, and I have read them all, and the replies, and thank you for all the info.
My guy is a 6yr old English bulldog male. I have kept him healthy, regular vet checks etc, I feed him Canadea brand food, and he dose get healthy food treats.
However, over the last 8 months, he has been releasing the fishy smell from his glands, I have done all the things mentioned in the "comments section" to help rectify this issue . glands expelled by the vet... periodically, kibble and food change etc. But it's still coming out, especially when he sleeps. My question is, what else can I do, to help stop this, besides having his anal glands removed, which, I really am holding off from doing? Also, I am in the Scottsdale area of Phoenix AZ, and if someone could recommend a really good vet, who is knowledgable with English Bulldogs, my vet is good, but I would prefer someone who is familiar with the breed.

Thank you !!!
Scottsdale AZ
Scottsdale AZ
Firm stools usually "auto-express" the anal glands and the gland goo smell is overpowered by the stench of the stool. That's the way it's supposed to work...I think. Sometimes firm stools are not enough and manual expression is a necessity. When that becomes ineffective and stools are normal, then other means of correction may be If stools are not firm, then dial back on the amount of food. We've seen many dogs come in with tail and gland issues that were caused by excessive weight, too much food, the wrong food.
If surgery ends up being your only option, I see on the BCA recommended Bulldog list ...Marana, AZ...Dove Mountain Veterinary.

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Chip has you covered… please keep us posted
Buster had a terrible problem with his glands at one point. It was so bad we had to put a diaper on him. It dawned on me one day that it had started not long after I had changed his food to one with grain. Same everything, brand, protein etc. but with grain. I changed him back to the original formula and it all went away! The food is was caused it for Buster and it was my fault!
I hope you can find a solution, the smell is awful.
Buster had a terrible problem with his glands at one point. It was so bad we had to put a diaper on him. It dawned on me one day that it had started not long after I had changed his food to one with grain. Same everything, brand, protein etc. but with grain. I changed him back to the original formula and it all went away! The food is was caused it for Buster and it was my fault!
I hope you can find a solution, the smell is awful.

How is Buster doing since you changed his food?

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