
  1. ddnene

    I'm totally floored... Lol

    Many of you know about Walter's issue w/his anal glands... and he would daily go thru this barking at his butt thing, which we always attributed to his anals being full. This week he had a vet visit because he has a superficial tear in his eye, and I mentioned to her that he was limping on his...
  2. 1Chumly

    Another episode for Buster

    This happened again this morning. No butt spinning this time. He has had a few shorter duration ones too. I didn't get the very beginning where he starts walking and humping. Please excuse me yelling at Barney in the middle of it, I didn't want him involved! He also never usually pays any...
  3. Vikinggirl


    Food Therapy Nutrition really is the foundation of health. Itā€™s the bodyā€™s fuel and provides the building blocks for the maintenance of health, tissue repair and energy. Thatā€™s why most holistic health practitioners focus a great deal on diet and nutritional supplements. No matter what my...
  4. Vikinggirl


    12 Homeopathic Remedies For Your Dog By: Deva Khalsa VMD 16k 3.2k SHARES19k Homeopathy is fun to use and the fact that it works so very well with so many medical problems makes it all the more rewarding! But do you know how to use it, and which remedy to use? To make it easy, Iā€™ve...
  5. A

    Asking for Advice (my bulldog keeps yelping)

    Hello Everyone, I am very happy to have come across this website full of awesome and knowledgeable bulldog owners. I am experiencing something strange with my bulldog Waylon, and wanted to ask for advice. My olde English bulldog is 3 years old and is healthy and happy. Each time we go to the...
  6. Momma2Bullies

    Lyme Disease - even with tick prevention

    Freaking out.... Iā€™m in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Both of the dogs are on flea/tick routine (nexguard) from April-November. This weekend my girl Layla was really lethargic (even more than normal for the insane heat weā€™ve been having). She stopped eating, wouldnā€™t drink, was so hot and wouldnā€™t...
  7. harveyspecter

    Bulldog Dancing to Grandma's singing or is he just trying to squeeze the glands

    What do you guys think? Either way it's hilarious:happydance::haha:
  8. Kimberlie

    Update on Murphy

    So Last night Murphy was limping so bad he could barely walk. His hind legs were the problem. So I called the vet and they got me in today. She said she couldnā€™t feel anything Did his anal glands Two shots Nail trim Body inspection lol She prescribed carprofen caplets 100mg And he will...
  9. E

    Fly snapping syndrome

    Hi all, recently my 2.5 year old OEB has started fly snapping. It started about five days ago. I knew it was out of the ordinary for him, so we got him into the vet two days ago and they did bloodwork which came back great. They drained his anal glands which the vet said weren't bad at all...
  10. 2BullyMama

    Raw switch - two week status

    Wanted to give an update on how the switch over is going with the boys. We finished two weeks of duck protein today and so far what I noticed ... Ears -- Lambeau's ears are practically spotless still some brown dirt, but nothing of what it usually is and Cheli's ears have little to no wax...
  11. C

    Help Needed! Tail Amputation or some other unknown illness.

    Hi everyone! We're new to this site. My names Coree, and my 2 year old Bulldogs name is Bubba. We have been battling a medical issue for the last 7 months, and can't seem to find the cause, in order to cure it. I am looking for any advice I can from anyone who has dealt with these same issues...
  12. 4WHLN

    Possible Tail Issue??? Dunno

    OK so lately Dooley has developed something that is bothering him around his Tail area back there. I am not sure if it is some sort of pain/discomfort or something itching him. He will be fine one minute and the next he will take off running to his bed or the rug in the living room, only two...
  13. BertandErnie

    Crusty bum hole/possible anal gland issues

    Every morning I clean my boys' faces and tail pockets and I also wipe their bums after they poop. Ive recently started to notice that Ernie has been getting a clear crusty mucus on his butthole and there's an area between his tail pocket and butthole that looks swollen and if I push on it too...
  14. R

    Anal glands and food type

    Hello, I am interested in hearing what brands of food have been successful in bulking up poop to encourage natural anal gland expression. Rosie girl is 3 years old and has had anal gland issues since day one. She tends to "blow out" her anal glands every 3-4 days inside the house which...
  15. iggypiggy

    cancer in 4 yr old bulldog.. Hypercalcemia of malignancy

    My Iggy just turned 4. He is normally extremely healthy, great weight and diet, super active and again super healthy. He started drinking a lot and peeing for a long time, needing to go out more. He can usually hold it all day. After vet ruled out infections she did blood and further urine...
  16. Kingdoey

    Strange Behavior from Winston

    Hi all Wondered if anyone could shed some light as an stumped. For the past three days Winston has barely touched any food and does not seem himself. I put it down to the hot weather or possibly the recent change in his diet. However in an effort to get him to eat i gave him some mince...
  17. ddnene

    Poor Wallygator...

    Well Walter started his growl at his butt thing again, so I figured it was his anal glands "again"... AND his ear that has been causing issues for a month now was still icky so we went to the vet's today. Right anal gland was bad AND he has an ear infection, poor buddy can NOT catch a break :(...
  18. R

    Help Needed! Loosing hair around tail, but is it ringworm?

    My Bully Layla is 11 years and old and thankfully has lived most of her life without many of the typical bully issues related to skin. She has only been our bully the last two years (we adopted her form a rescue). However we do know she has a long history of scooting and dragging related to...
  19. KimDe

    Natural Expression of Anal Glands Article Link

    Fezzik doesn't really have anal gland problems, but I saw this article and thought I would post. Let me know how it works. Dog Anal Glands: The DIY Solution To Stinky Problems - Dogs Naturally Magazine
  20. Opie CHL

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Chubbs~ English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Indiana~

    Chubbs is Adoption Ready Intake type: Owner Surrender Intake date: 06/12/2016 Age: 1 years Gender: Male Weight: 46 lbs lbs Energy level: Medium Low Good with other dogs: Yes Good with cats: Unknown Good with kids: Yes Object aggression: None Special needs: Other (more info in bio below)...
  21. Kimberlie

    Leaking anal glands

    It's happened a few times within the last two months that awful smell shows up out of no where! Tonight it was when he was sleeping on me. He's on a grain free diet filtered water etc He shows no sign of discomfort, I cleaned his bottom really well after I smelled what had happened. Is this...
  22. O

    Please help! Infected tail pocket

    Please help me! I have a 4 1/2 year old bulldog, Otis. He has had issues with anal glands for years. We changed his food to Orijen with fiber one cereal to help thicken up his stools. We have seemed to get that under control. I had no idea that he had a deep tail pocket! My husband googled it...
  23. C

    Rear End Discomfort

    Hello All, Rex turned 4 in February. Around that same time, I took him to a new groomer. She claimed to express his anal glands externally. Shortly thereafter, Rex began spinning on his butt and rubbing up against furniture. I took him to our vet who stated it was very difficult, if not...
  24. YHSublime

    Draining bulldog anal glands

    Hey all! Long time, and back with a question. I'm looking to drain my bullies anal glands personally (probably said nobody ever.) I've got gloves, papertowels, and ready to do it in the tub before a bath. Seems pretty straightforward, my vet just cups the glands in the back and squeezes. Does...
  25. ddnene

    Wally is bleedingā€¦

    We first noticed it yesterday, Wally had some blood near his rectumā€¦ after we got a better look we noticed that the blood was coming from a spot near his rectum so I'm assuming that it is his anal gland. I called my vet, and since she was off yesterday we decided to bring him in this morning...
  26. Kimberlie

    Anyone used sulfodene shampoo??

    Murphy has had this smell on his back for the past 3 weeks. It is truly an indescribable smell. I thought it might be his anal glands but it's not. Washed him, it went away and then it would come back. We took him to play today and one of the dog trainers smelled and said it could be...
  27. B

    English Bulldog Ectopic Cilia and Cryoepilation

    Hi all - So for the last year of baxters 2 years, he has had what I assumed was just a cute bully "squint". I noticed his right eye was always a little more closed, but everyone jokes that he's trying to look "smooth" in pictures :). I always thought he was just doing a "squishy face" squint...
  28. Starkie

    Oh dear, Walley Bubba is slightly overweight. 69 lbs!

    Well, WB went to the vet today for his semi-anual comprehensive exam. He also got his bordatella shot and anal glands expressed again. But first, they weighed him and he registered 69 lbs :w00t:. He's not fat! It's loose skin! Denial. But he is extremely buff :evil:. We've been feeding...
  29. Brucey Baby

    Anal Glands

    Does this have to be done often, think it's definitely a vet visit haha
  30. Vikinggirl

    10 Interesting Facts About Dogs

    By Juliana Weiss-Roessler Do you think you know everything about our canine companions? Think again! Check out these 10 surprising facts about dogs. Your dog is as smart as a 2-year-old toddler. Thereā€™s a reason your tot and your pup get along so well: they speak the same language. Or at...
  31. Mishell

    Are Bulldogs susceptable to blocked anal glands

    i noticed chumleys behind smelling metallically this morning, his poos are usually very soft formed so I don't know if this would allow for the glands to empty as I read they usually clear after a well formed stool , maybe I need to lay of the cook up of chicken breast and veg for a day or so...
  32. Annie1991

    Punk and Her Anal Glands

    Do not know if this is the right area to post this. Punk will sit on one of her ropes and wiggle her butt and bop her head up and down. ??? Thought this was neurological, but found out - she is expressing her anal glands! yuk ! What's worse - I've caught her DOING IT TO MY SHOES !!!!!! :yell:
  33. C

    Need a vet in Toronto who is experienced with English bulldogs- We have a hind end issue that has not be solved

    Our lovely rescue Trevor has had hind end issues since we got him. We have his many allergies under control, his anal glands are fine, he does not have any bugs of any sort and we have tried a number of topical creams and sprays....but he is very itchy on and around his tail and there can be...
  34. bullmama

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~LOLA HOPE~ English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Indiana

    BIO: Lola Hope is a sweet, petite bullie girl with lots of love to give. Like most bullies, she sleeps a lot but also enjoys short walks. She chews on Nylabones byt hasn't really taken a liking to any other toys so far. Lola Hope loves to be with people and so far has been pretty...

    Guess What Vegas did..Oh yes he did!!

    Sooo, today was nail day, had to take Vegas to Petsmart to get nails dremeled. Yesterday was bath, ear flush, anal glands and tail pocket day. Total "Spa" Weekend right?? Ohhh NO. Today took him to get nails done, all was well, took him, everything great. Brought him home, got a drink of water...
  36. ddnene

    Could use some prayers for my Roxie Girl...

    As most of you know Roxie was diagnosed w/cushings disease a few months backā€¦ she has been on medication for weeks now, and nothing has really changed. The meds take timeā€¦ and I decided to go way conservative on the dosages, which my vet has been fine with. She is due for another blood test...

    Do you brush your bully's teeth??

    Well I never have. Between all Vegas's antler's and nylabones I just thought he kept his teeth clean that way. Yesterday for the first time ever, We took Vegas to a groomer, I have just been to busy and don't want the back ache of a bath. The groomer bathed him in his Rx soap, flushed his ears...
  38. Vikinggirl

    3 Gross Dog Behaviours Explained

    Three Gross Dog Behaviors Explained by VETDEPOT on DECEMBER 4, 2014 Dogs may be cute and cuddly, but some of their behaviors arenā€™t quite so adorable. The following three behaviors may seem gross in our minds, but there are perfectly sound canine explanations behind them. 1. Butt...
  39. B

    Anal gland cleaning

    Hi. At times I have noticed a very nasty smell by ebd has and I keep him clean. I clean his face 2 x a day as well as his tail pocket and even his butt after he poops. The other day I came home and I could smell this terrible smell. I thought he had pooped or vomited inside and I went around...
  40. bullmama

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~RASCAL~ English Bulldog Available for Adoption in NJ/Mid Atlantic area

    About Rascal This is Rascal, my English Bulldog foster. He was an owner surrender. This poor dog came with what we thought were "allergies" according to the owner, however, his anal glands had abscessed and ruptured. He was dripping fecal matter and blood, for who knows how long. His rear end...