Any ideas on what to put in the whelping box


New member
May 29, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Chesty, Cadence and baby Echo and Mello (Delta)
My Cadi is due is less then two weeks, and I am wondering what to use this time for inside her pool (whelping Box) ... Last time I use cotten sheets, and blankets... I had though of news paper this time ...but not only do I not have any, thought it bad on puppies... I wonder about mattress covers ??? :confused: Please any ideas

I would say to use the blankets, you can crumple up newspaper under the blankets and sheets to make sure they don't get swimmers puppy syndrome, to make the surface not flat.
Orion was a swimmer's puppy. It took her almost 7 weeks to walk. We had to hobble her. She really took to walking after the first couple of hours of hobbling.
I too use blankets with a sheet on top and put small clamps to hold them up so they don't get stuck under the blankets....I also at 2 weeks put some newspaper or puppy wee pads for them to use. They will start crawling to the paper as young as 2 weeks....Oh and rumpled news paper under all....Good luck with your puppies. My girl is due Friday for c-section. Nervous for sure.

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