
New member
Jul 21, 2018
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello All -

We just got our first bulldog puppy, she is 8 weeks today and we noticed lately that she very aggressively biting Fingers, charges at your face, and attacks your feet when walking, now she even has started growling and biting when we try to pick her up to remove her from the behavior she is doing. Are these early signs of her being an aggresive puppy/dog or is this all part of the puppy learning process. What methods do you recommend to correct these behaviors saying NO and stop walking until she loses interest doesnā€™t seem to be working, she will sometimes redirect to her toy but sometimes not.

We also want her to be really socialized with people and other dogs but have been told to avoid having her with other dogs until she has been fully vaccinated or only with a dog we know is vaccinated the only problem is we are new to our state and donā€™t know anyone to have her play with yet, any advice on how we can get her socialized without formally introducing her with other dogs?

Thank you all so much!
welcome and you have certainly come to the right place for some good help with people who have such great experience :) They will be along shortly ;)
:welcome2: to EBN!!! Bulldogs can be extremely stubborn... so first of all don't panic that your bulldog is aggressive!!! You are correct on waiting until she has ALL of her shots before beginning puppy classes. This is extremely important especially taking her to dog parks, or anywhere that vaccinations are not necessarily required. I would have friends over (or go to their homes) to have a play time w/their dogs. Socialization is extremely important, but just mindful about areas where dogs are allowed. Redirection is a great way to train your puppy against unwanted behavior BUT if she continues the behavior put her in a TIME-OUT... I had a gated area for my pups when they were smaller, or you could use a crate. She will learn quickly that the behavior is NOT acceptable, and to be able to "hang-out" w/her family she will have to control herself. If you are walking her and she's pulling on her leash STOP and turn your head away from her. Ignore her completely and try again... it takes time but this does work.

Good luck, and we would love to see pics of your baby!!!
:welcome2: to EBN!!! Bulldogs can be extremely stubborn... so first of all don't panic that your bulldog is aggressive!!! You are correct on waiting until she has ALL of her shots before beginning puppy classes. This is extremely important especially taking her to dog parks, or anywhere that vaccinations are not necessarily required. I would have friends over (or go to their homes) to have a play time w/their dogs. Socialization is extremely important, but just mindful about areas where dogs are allowed. Redirection is a great way to train your puppy against unwanted behavior BUT if she continues the behavior put her in a TIME-OUT... I had a gated area for my pups when they were smaller, or you could use a crate. She will learn quickly that the behavior is NOT acceptable, and to be able to "hang-out" w/her family she will have to control herself. If you are walking her and she's pulling on her leash STOP and turn your head away from her. Ignore her completely and try again... it takes time but this does work.

Good luck, and we would love to see pics of your baby!!!

Thank you so much, our last bulldog we got when he was older so we didnā€™t have the puppy phase with him, and he was very dog aggresive we could never break him of it and I really want her to be well socialized. I just bought a playpen, I will try that!!! 0022B56D-F9C0-4FD7-9979-3F9B49E6F882.jpeg
Welcome ...as you I just got my first oeb and first off congrats ! :) Second ... Everyone here is full of amazing advice and I have been using them a lot ! Also going through the wonderful shark phase and it's not a whole lot of fun but the folks here are great and their advice works ! I try and keep in mind she's still tiny and needs to learn her manners yet lol :) good luck and hang in there you will end up with an amazing companion . Ps she is beautiful
I can see the devilish look in her eye! Pups are a little harder on you, when they are an only child-they have no other to wrestle with! Get lots of nylabones(not edible kind) for her to chew on. Have playtime with her. Walk her around the back yard. Do not let her bite you. When she does, stick a toy in her mouth, say "no bite Mom,here bite this". Mine were obsessed with biting my shoes(on my feet), so I bought them a pair of kid's tennies, for them to play with. Some people get them raw marrow bone,frozen, for them to chew on. Sometimes when they get overtired, they get too wound, then, as Tracey said-time out! It takes patience,with a pup, but not giving up,will be well worth it in the long run! Hang in there!ladyonrope.gif
Hello All -

We just got our first bulldog puppy, she is 8 weeks today and we noticed lately that she very aggressively biting Fingers, charges at your face, and attacks your feet when walking, now she even has started growling and biting when we try to pick her up to remove her from the behavior she is doing. Are these early signs of her being an aggresive puppy/dog or is this all part of the puppy learning process. What methods do you recommend to correct these behaviors saying NO and stop walking until she loses interest doesnā€™t seem to be working, she will sometimes redirect to her toy but sometimes not.

We also want her to be really socialized with people and other dogs but have been told to avoid having her with other dogs until she has been fully vaccinated or only with a dog we know is vaccinated the only problem is we are new to our state and donā€™t know anyone to have her play with yet, any advice on how we can get her socialized without formally introducing her with other dogs?

Thank you all so much!

:welcome2: to EBN!!! Bulldogs can be extremely stubborn... so first of all don't panic that your bulldog is aggressive!!! You are correct on waiting until she has ALL of her shots before beginning puppy classes. This is extremely important especially taking her to dog parks, or anywhere that vaccinations are not necessarily required. I would have friends over (or go to their homes) to have a play time w/their dogs. Socialization is extremely important, but just mindful about areas where dogs are allowed. Redirection is a great way to train your puppy against unwanted behavior BUT if she continues the behavior put her in a TIME-OUT... I had a gated area for my pups when they were smaller, or you could use a crate. She will learn quickly that the behavior is NOT acceptable, and to be able to "hang-out" w/her family she will have to control herself. If you are walking her and she's pulling on her leash STOP and turn your head away from her. Ignore her completely and try again... it takes time but this does work.

Good luck, and we would love to see pics of your baby!!!

This ^^^^ great advice and totally agree!

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