Help Needed! 3rd time urethra has prolapsed!

They did a barium swallow, it looked clear thank goodness but he is still puking. They have hospitalized him for the weekend. No food for 48 hours. Then they will slowly jntroduce it back... if this doesn't work it's back to the specialist for us...

I'm so relieved for this great news & praying it's a positive sign for your beloved boy's
full & complete recovery. It's been such an ordeal for all of you and I join all of EBN in
sending prayers to hold onto hope, strength & courage even tho y'all are worn out.
Holding y'all close to my heart in love and daily prayers of support & comfort. xoxo
They did a barium swallow, it looked clear thank goodness but he is still puking. They have hospitalized him for the weekend. No food for 48 hours. Then they will slowly jntroduce it back... if this doesn't work it's back to the specialist for us...

Sending continued prayers for him to get well. Please keep us posted

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They have called twice so far to give us up dates, so far no regurgitation while he's. Even with them. Praying it stays this way, I miss my bulldog so much!!!
Praying so hard for Diesel, and the family. God Bless you.:pray::pray::pray::pray:
Hi everyone, I am finally able to reply with answers for you. So we brought diesel back to the specialist and they ran a series of tests to rule out a hernia, mega esophagus etc. They were pretty confident he was suffering from
Severe esophagitis. Their plan was to scope him and place a feeding (PEG) tube directly in to his stomach to let his esophagus heal. Well, not long after the scope they called and said his esophagus looked pretty good. But his stomach had a lot of small ulcers. So no feeding tube was placed. They took biopsies of the ulcers and we are waiting for results. Although they say they think they are stress related due to his last surgery/hospitalization. We are finally home with our boy and he is in a strict feeding schedule with specific canned food and meds for the next 2 weeks. It'll be tough with both of us working full time to get all of his feedings and meds in, but we are just so happy to have him home!!!
Hi everyone, I am finally able to reply with answers for you. So we brought diesel back to the specialist and they ran a series of tests to rule out a hernia, mega esophagus etc. They were pretty confident he was suffering from
Severe esophagitis. Their plan was to scope him and place a feeding (PEG) tube directly in to his stomach to let his esophagus heal. Well, not long after the scope they called and said his esophagus looked pretty good. But his stomach had a lot of small ulcers. So no feeding tube was placed. They took biopsies of the ulcers and we are waiting for results. Although they say they think they are stress related due to his last surgery/hospitalization. We are finally home with our boy and he is in a strict feeding schedule with specific canned food and meds for the next 2 weeks. It'll be tough with both of us working full time to get all of his feedings and meds in, but we are just so happy to have him home!!!

Healing prayers... please keep us posted

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Hi everyone, we are at the end of day 2 with having diesel home. So far he is doing wonderfully! No puking at all! He is pretty worn out and is sleeping a lot but is happy to be home. The only thing we are struggling with is one of his meds - sucralfate. It's suppose to be given on an empty stomach so I can't give it like i normally would with a pill pocket. I'm suppose to give it in a slurry. Whenever I try he gives me a look like "you got to be kidding me" it must taste gross cause he's not picky. Any advice?
Hi everyone, we are at the end of day 2 with having diesel home. So far he is doing wonderfully! No puking at all! He is pretty worn out and is sleeping a lot but is happy to be home. The only thing we are struggling with is one of his meds - sucralfate. It's suppose to be given on an empty stomach so I can't give it like i normally would with a pill pocket. I'm suppose to give it in a slurry. Whenever I try he gives me a look like "you got to be kidding me" it must taste gross cause he's not picky. Any advice?

Yay! So glad to hear that Diesel is home and doing so well. He sounds just like Frank when Frank came home from the emergency vet. He was so tired. We had to give him the same slurry as well. I used a large syringe that you can get at a pharmacy, would fill a little of it and slowly push it into the sides of Frank's mouth, the space between the gums and cheek. Then he would have to swallow and I didnt' worry about him choking on it.

Good luck! I am sending positive thoughts for Diesel's continued recovery! Your family and the poor guy have been through so much. I hope he keeps getting better and better.
Hey everyone, another Diesel update - he has been home for a week and is doing really well! We had a scare Monday morning when we woke up to a pool of blood at his penis - took him in and turns out he just blew a stitch from his urethral prolapse surgery. No problem, and it was still healing well! We solved the sucralfate issue - we mix the slurry with melted coconut oil and he gobbles it up! We have a happy, playful, and healthy bulldog again!!
Hey everyone, another Diesel update - he has been home for a week and is doing really well! We had a scare Monday morning when we woke up to a pool of blood at his penis - took him in and turns out he just blew a stitch from his urethral prolapse surgery. No problem, and it was still healing well! We solved the sucralfate issue - we mix the slurry with melted coconut oil and he gobbles it up! We have a happy, playful, and healthy bulldog again!!

Great update... hoping he continues to heal quickly

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Our bulldog had surgery for a prolapsed uretha then month later it came back we were told as long as he’s not bleeding a lot he will be fine.If he starts bleeding again we will have to take him to a specialist for surgery we were told the surgery could cost us around 3000.There is still a big chance it will relapse after surgery.We noticed a couple drips of blood tonight I’m hoping it stops.
Hi, our 1 1/2 male EB is having a tough time. When he was 8 'months old we discovered he had a prolapsed urethra. He had surgery to fix it, and he was neutured as well. A few months later it prolapsed again - surgery again. Then last night (8 months later) it prolapsed again. We took him to the vet today, and they have referred him to a specialist 2 hours away. We are just waiting for the call to book an appointment. Does anyone have a similar experience with this? His total surgical cost has only been about $600. I'm worried about how much this surgery will cost! We will do anything for our boy, as he is so young still. Bad timing right before Christmas.
Well we are home from getting Diesel. They said all went well. He had the prolapsed tissue removed and the remainder seen back in place, he also had his soft palate shortened. He is very groggy. He's having a hard time peeing and eating. Anyone have any post op experience after these types of surgeries? Total surgery bill was about $1300.
Hello! I know this post is old, but am in desperate need of help as our 9 month old is experiencing the same thing. Can you provide information on the Veterinarian you used?
Hello! I know this post is old, but am in desperate need of help as our 9 month old is experiencing the same thing. Can you provide information on the Veterinarian you used?
You will mostly likely need surgery to correct it and the vet will probably also suggest neutering at the same time to avoid future issues.

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