Help Needed! 3rd time urethra has prolapsed!

Thanks for all your responses. So far his recovery is going okay.. he seems like he is a fair bit of pain when he pees as he stays squatted (he as always squatted) for quite a long time. He is in pain meds 3 times a day. Not much blood from the urethra so that's good. As for his palate that seems to be the worst, we slowly feed him soft/mushy kibble but he gags and coughs every few bites. His breathing is just awful - so loud and sounds congested. I'm just hoping it's due to a bit of swelling, and will decrease. The vet also sent him home with a sedative med (2-3 times a day) I actually haven't given him any yet because he's sleeping almost all day anyways so I don't think it's necessary right now.
Well it's 3am here and we just all had a rude awakening - Diesel projectile vomiting everywhere.very small amount of blood at the very end. Poor guy was so embarrassed we could barely get him out of the corner by the end. Will call the vet in the morning.. is this normal??
Sending Prayers and Love to Precious Diesel. Get Well Sweet Diesel we Love You.
Well it's 3am here and we just all had a rude awakening - Diesel projectile vomiting everywhere.very small amount of blood at the very end. Poor guy was so embarrassed we could barely get him out of the corner by the end. Will call the vet in the morning.. is this normal??

Keep us posted... meds may be too much for his belly. Was the vomit all his food or bile?

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It was all his food, until there was no more and then bile
Poor Diesel. I remember how badly I felt for Frank during his recovery. It might be the meds. When we took Frank home, we had so many different meds and they also included one to help his stomach settle and one that was a slurry to help coat his throat. His throat is probably has inflammation from the surgery, then vomiting probably aggregated it. I would imagine that is why the bit of blood at the end.

Sending many many positive thoughts to Diesel and you all during his recovery.
It was all his food, until there was no more and then bile

:( please let us know how it goes at the vet

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Our vet thinks diesel has esophagitis from his endotracheal tube during surgery. We have been given a wack of pills to give him for the next month.. but, if the vomiting does not decrease in the next 24-48 hours we have to bring him in and he will be hospitalized and have further testing done
Our vet thinks diesel has esophagitis from his endotracheal tube during surgery. We have been given a wack of pills to give him for the next month.. but, if the vomiting does not decrease in the next 24-48 hours we have to bring him in and he will be hospitalized and have further testing done

OH NO! sending lots of prayers he heals up quickly
Sending Prayers and Positive Thoughts for Diesel. Loads of Love and Kisses to You Diesel.
Today's update, diesels puking has not slowed, we will be bringing him in to our vet for a barium swallow. Our hearts hurt for him, and so do our wallets. Feeling sad and discouraged today.. just want him to be healthy again
Today's update, diesels puking has not slowed, we will be bringing him in to our vet for a barium swallow. Our hearts hurt for him, and so do our wallets. Feeling sad and discouraged today.. just want him to be healthy again

:( poor little guy! So sorry all this is happening.... sending lots of healing prayers for your boy
Poor Deisel. He has been through so much. I,too am sending prayers :pray::pray: for that poor boy, and parents,too.
They did a barium swallow, it looked clear thank goodness but he is still puking. They have hospitalized him for the weekend. No food for 48 hours. Then they will slowly jntroduce it back... if this doesn't work it's back to the specialist for us...