Help Needed! 3rd time urethra has prolapsed!


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Nov 29, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi, our 1 1/2 male EB is having a tough time. When he was 8 'months old we discovered he had a prolapsed urethra. He had surgery to fix it, and he was neutured as well. A few months later it prolapsed again - surgery again. Then last night (8 months later) it prolapsed again. We took him to the vet today, and they have referred him to a specialist 2 hours away. We are just waiting for the call to book an appointment. Does anyone have a similar experience with this? His total surgical cost has only been about $600. I'm worried about how much this surgery will cost! We will do anything for our boy, as he is so young still. Bad timing right before Christmas.
I don't have any experience but Erin @Biogirl71 had something to do with this with Frank
See the specialist. There is either something odd going on with your Diesel or the surgeries. I don't dare throw your Vet under the bus but in all of the cases we've seen(and thankfully not so many) the one surgery takes care of the problem. Your Vet recommending a specialist is an admission that this case may be beyond their ability to correct although recurrence is not so uncommon. Let the specialist have at it and see where it takes you. Ultimately, amputation of the penis may be the best solution. GL...please keep us posted.
Thank you for your replies. We have been to this vet a lot for other minor reasons with diesel and have a lot of respect for them. But I must admit I'm a little disappointed in them that they did not refer us after it happened again. I'm so sad my poor guy has to go through this again - thankfully he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
I have no experience, but want to send lots of positive thoughts that all goes well with the specialist. Please keep us posted
No experience but I wanted to send prayers your way. I can only imagine how frustrated and scared you are for your boy.
Thanks everyone. They called today, we take him in wednesday for the consult and most likely surgery on Thursday
Awh, poor guy

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We just got home from dropping Diesel off at the specialist. They will do surgery tomorrow - their plan is to cut off the prolapsed tissue and sew the remaining tissue to the edge of the urethra, and go down deeper into the urethra to place stitches to reenforce this. They are also going to check his soft palate. If it is enlongated they will trim it. Apparently having an elongated soft palate can increase abdominal pressure, which in turn increases the pressure placed on the urethra. They seemed very knowledgeable. He will spend a day in the ICU, so we will be able to pick him up Friday evening
We just got home from dropping Diesel off at the specialist. They will do surgery tomorrow - their plan is to cut off the prolapsed tissue and sew the remaining tissue to the edge of the urethra, and go down deeper into the urethra to place stitches to reenforce this. They are also going to check his soft palate. If it is enlongated they will trim it. Apparently having an elongated soft palate can increase abdominal pressure, which in turn increases the pressure placed on the urethra. They seemed very knowledgeable. He will spend a day in the ICU, so we will be able to pick him up Friday evening

Sending prayers and positive thoughts that all goes well

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Sending Prayers for Diesel and a Speedy Recovery. Give Diesel a Kiss and Hug from me and Elmo.
Well we are home from getting Diesel. They said all went well. He had the prolapsed tissue removed and the remainder seen back in place, he also had his soft palate shortened. He is very groggy. He's having a hard time peeing and eating. Anyone have any post op experience after these types of surgeries? Total surgery bill was about $1300.
Well we are home from getting Diesel. They said all went well. He had the prolapsed tissue removed and the remainder seen back in place, he also had his soft palate shortened. He is very groggy. He's having a hard time peeing and eating. Anyone have any post op experience after these types of surgeries? Total surgery bill was about $1300.

No experience on the prolapse but fir soft palate... a few days if soft food and back to normal --- praying all goes well with a quick recovery

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I am just seeing this now and am so sorry that you have Diesel have been through so much. It does sound like Diesel has been in good hands overall with knowledgeable vets. We went through both issues with Frank, just at different times. His recovery from the soft palate surgery was longer because it was a tied to other complications. I would hand feed him slowly soft food for the first couple of days, then I mixed dry kibble softened with warm water and some wet food for him to eat.
For his prolapsed urethra, we just got him neutered and so far, that seemed to solve the problem. It has only been about five or six months since we had it done, but it sounds like Diesel had a more serious issue.
It seems like your surgery price was very reasonable and I hope that both procedures help to solve his issues.

Sending many positive thoughts for a quick recovery for Diesel with no further complications!

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