12/13/10 Daily Poll: Does you bulldog wear ID tags on their collars?

Does you bulldog wear ID tags on their collars?

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I voted sometimes. When I am not home Samson wears his collar with his ID tags. In case of an emergency I want him to be easily identified. I take his collar off once I get home because I figure if I were him I wouldn't want a collar around my neck 24/7.
I voted yes, but they don't wear thier collars unless we take them some where.... at home they never have collars on. So, when they see there collars come out they know there going somewhere.
I voted sometimes, ALWAYS when we are out, but just like me as soon as I get home, off comes my shoes and on comes my sweats! No, Vegas does not wear a collar in the house.
Gracie does not wear hers. The reason is we have never put them on her harness . BUT, she is microchipped.... does that count? I think but not sure, she is legally supposed to wear her tags in Milwaukee. Lil' Law-Breaker.. ;)
I also voted sometimes, Chief and the two big dogs wear collars all the time, when we go out Chief wears his harness, Ireland and Izzy only where them when we go somewhere. Ireland is the only one with a tag right now.. Chief gets his for Christmas....
My guys have free access to the yard through their doggie door (when we are at home) so YES they always wear their collars with ID tags on them. All of the guys are also micorchipped, just in case. One of my guys refuses to 'go' out back, so we will sometimes remove his collar when at home. It is kept hanging on the front door knob and he gets 'dressed' before going outside.
I said sometimes, because the tags are on their non-holiday collars. Since they've been wearing their fall and now their Christmas collars, they don't have a tag on these. But they're both micro-chipped and never go out of the yard alone anyway.
Silva had an Id tag with her name and our number, her rabies tag, her microchip tag and her dog tags for our city. We take the collar off when we go to bed at night but she wears it all day.
I also answered sometimes. Vegas and O have Id tags on their collars. But they have so many collars....they don't always have the ones on that have ID tags. When we go on vacation, they always have ID on...and they are microchipped. But at home, they have collars on, but not the IDs.
I cannot believe -that only 50% have ID on the dogs at all times--
I used to be animal control for years, and think about this ----
IF there is a FIRE IN YOUR HOUSE-----and you are GONE--- the fireman are going to put the FIRE out, and maybe catch your dog, MAYBE not----its not thier job!!!!! I want NOTHING TO CHANCE-- please put ID tags on at all times.
AND A PHONE NUMBER.- NOT ADDRESS, BECUASE- if they are not happy with the reward, and it need only be $10.00 if thats all you have or a small child. but that way they dont come to your house later and steal the dog again. on the phone ask their
location and run to get the dog.
I also put a second tag that says-- dog needs daily meds.-very sick-- no one wants to steal a sick dog. but they do want a reward!!!!!

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