You got me in trouble EBN! =)


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
I take a couple of night classes a week, and both being 4th year university level, my profs are more strict in class rules. One of them, especially, doesn't like laptops and forces those who bring one to sit at the back 2 rows, and should be used for note taking only.

Well guess what happened. She caught me smiling and giggling a little to myself while I was on this site when she was giving a lecture! :bust: :lol:. She figured it out because her lectures would never be a comical one that would make anyone laugh. :whistle:. Now she sent an email to the whole class with a warning that those caught doing 'non-class' things will lose the priviledge of bringing a laptop for the whole semester. :down:

(***with sarcasm) Thanks a lot EBN, for making me laugh and smile with your stories! :rolleyes:

I start laughing all the time and my kids say WHAT??? What's so funny? What is it?

You better listen to your teacher and no EBN during class..... :whistle:
Your welcome....... glad we could help..... ROFL:whistle:
That's why I check in every morning before work..regardless if I'm running late. I need my smile! Once I get to work....Hell! So, here I am checking in.....I have to leave at 8:10. It's 7:21. I still have to shower, get Vegas and O up, fed, and bathroom duties done! :eek: I better get my move on! Until tonight everybully!
Tsk, tsk! The professor in me says you should be paying attention to your coursework!

But come on, why does ANY professor let laptops in class anyway? I mean, given the choice between teaching and surfing the net, I know what I would pick so I just make the decision for them - no laptops. Ever!

But I just can't resist ... especially if it's work/class that doesn't interest me ... like now! My coworkers most likely think that I'm a slacker already.
Yep this would be a problem for me as well if I didn't work from home. I rue the day I must go into an office job, I wouldn't be able to resist.

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