General Question WORRIED... Ugh!!!

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EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
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Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
Today I take Winston in for his follow up w/the eye specialists in Nashville… I've been diligent w/his eye meds, but to be honest his eyes looks worse!!! In my personal opinion, I believe this is all allergy related… the weather here in TN has been crazy, it was 66 degrees here yesterday!!! I haven't had time to look for a new vet, and that is my own fault… :whistle: between my kids drama, the holidays, my hubby being out of town, and taking care of my grandson I have put that on the back burner.

So I guess my question is should I just go ahead and do allergy testing on him to figure out what is bothering him the most? Do they give allergy shots to dogs, and is it worth it? I'm REALLY hoping that she will let me continue on meds till I find a descent bully vet. The thought of surgery right now really puts me over the edge… :*(

Any thoughts and or suggestions would be appreciated… I just don't know what to do… BIG sigh :(

@KMARINO Winston's eyes are diamond shaped like Vegas. What kind of treatment do you do w/him?
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Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Sweetie, I'm so sorry y'all are going thru this ON TOP of all the other stuff!

I'll pray over this matter right now, for you to have insight as to which course
to take and hope other members have experience to share with you.

Hope, Faith & Wisdom being prayed for YOU~Much love!


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
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Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Sweetie, I'm so sorry y'all are going thru this ON TOP of all the other stuff!

I'll pray over this matter right now, for you to have insight as to which course
to take and hope other members have experience to share with you.

Hope, Faith & Wisdom being prayed for YOU~Much love!
Thanks Carol, I always feel better knowing that you've got my back!!! XOXO :angelheart:


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Tracey, our vet has mentioned surgery a few times with Vegas, but the only times he see's his eyes like that is when they are swollen shut.. DUE TO ALLERGIES!!!! 90% of his allergies are environmental, when his eyes are swollen shut I take him to get a shot of steroids and a $87 bottle of antibiotic eye drops, when they are just red and goopy he gets Benadryl, when they are good, like right now, he just gets lube drops, called artificial tears just to keep them moist. Good luck today, finger's crossed that it is just environmental and can be controlled with eye drops!!! :assurred:


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

I hope everything goes ok for you guys. I will be thinking of you.


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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Sending prayers that they can find an alternative route to help him vs having to have surgery.


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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

I'm no help, but sending healing thoughts anyway.


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

I would have the allergy tests done just to ease your mind. I'm sorry he seems worse, you've got my prayers.


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Dec 22, 2012
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Today I take Winston in for his follow up w/the eye specialists in Nashville… I've been diligent w/his eye meds, but to be honest his eyes looks worse!!! In my personal opinion, I believe this is all allergy related… the weather here in TN has been crazy, it was 66 degrees here yesterday!!! I haven't had time to look for a new vet, and that is my own fault… :whistle: between my kids drama, the holidays, my hubby being out of town, and taking care of my grandson I have put that on the back burner.

So I guess my question is should I just go ahead and do allergy testing on him to figure out what is bothering him the most? Do they give allergy shots to dogs, and is it worth it? I'm REALLY hoping that she will let me continue on meds till I find a descent bully vet. The thought of surgery right now really puts me over the edge… :*(

Any thoughts and or suggestions would be appreciated… I just don't know what to do… BIG sigh :(?

I'm really sorry to hear this. Sometimes it's very hard to determine what's causing all these issues with our babies.

I had to take Blue to the vet this morning. His allergies are really acting up. Red eyes, congested, very itchy face, and inter-digital cysts. He turned one today and poor monkey spent the morning with the vet.
He's now on: Clavamox for his congestion and cysts, Prednisone (low dosage steroid) for the itchy face, and Neopolydex for his eyes (red, swollen).

We spoke about allergy testing and here's what she said; "At one, they're still too young to get reliable results. Also, when it is time to test, he needs to be allergy free for at least 8 weeks prior for accurate results. Once they determine the main things tha are causing the allergies, they develop a serum (of those allergens) and its given in injection form (I think she said some can be given orally as well), slowly increasing the dosage for a year."
That's how long it takes before you'd see results.
Thing it's, the shots aren't guaranteed to work either.

The problem with this is your dog needs to be allergy free for at least two months, and you can't get it done now due to age.

If he's only having the eye issue during a particular time, mention it to your ophthalmologist . See if they think it's allergy related.

Jennifer Clark

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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

praying for you guys! If you need me you know I'm here no matter what and I think I gave you my number call or text anytime.


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Apr 28, 2013
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Tracey, in my humble opinion, I have to agree with something [MENTION=7457]Blueberrys Mom[/MENTION] said "Sometimes it's very hard to determine what's causing all these issues with our babies." This is a time of the year for bad allergy problems, not only for us but for our pets as well. Guessing if it were one of my boys, just thinking out loud, before committing them to surgery, I would try everything else first. Thinking if you had an allergy screen run, Then the words come to mind "Knowledge is Power", Taking the screen and having it dissected to a specific(s) then theres a good possibility you can control his interaction with that element. Then again, it may be something like pollen, which blows in the wind, that you would not have control over. During the allergy screen, which is given to a third party, (Lab) for analysis, Knowing I'd find a Vet I am comfortable with. When I lived in Florida, I had a Vet I was very comfortable with, in Louisiana, if you've kept up with myself and [MENTION=7260]Chumley[/MENTION]s discussions, you could plainly see, neither of us are happy about our Vets. I specifically need a Vet that cares about my Baby as much as I do, and understands Surgery is only a last option. Having a Vet your comfortable with means everything, Trust me if something goes wrong, you'll be down on yourself forever. While the tests are being done, I'd prioritize finding a Vet that fits you. This also buys time, gets allergy screen back, and puts you miles apart from where you are now. You and Winston are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this helps...... Again its just my opinion and may not be shared by anyone else, but thats okay, It's what I would do with Rocky or Rambo.


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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Tracey, I hope your visit with the specialist gives you some answers. If you feel in your gut that it is allergies, it may be of benefit, to search and find a different vet. Surgery is something to take time and think about. Tennessee is known to be an "allergy" state. Molds, pollens, so many allergens. Today it is 70 degrees, and then it will be freezing this weekend! I pray that you find answers for your baby. As Casper stated-don't rush into surgery.:pray:


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
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Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

I just got back from the specialist, and I'm afraid it's bad news :(
Winston has another ulcer in his right eye from scratching it, and she actually put a contact in to help it heal. As soon as she put the contact in there the swelling went down in his eye… Not only is the eyelid turning internally to cause irritation, but he also has the inner eyelashes that are irritating the eyes. At this point surgery is imminent :*( I go back in a week so she can re-check his eyes, and then we can schedule the surgery. She did give me a name of an allergy specialist in Nashville to go see, but now matter how much testing is done it's NOT going to alleviate the fact that his lashes need to be removed.

He has the cone of shame on, and I brought home a ton of meds…
Zyrtec, Rimadyl, Ofloxacin, Neo Pol Bacit, & GenTeal

He seems miserable, so if anyone has any suggestions for this stupid cone that would be great!!! I had to take it off for him to get something to drink, and I doubt he will eat w/it on...

I'm NOT going to lie, I'm REALLY upset about this… I broke down in the car before the long drive home :cry:She told me that they do surgery on bulldogs ALL the time, but of course she has NO idea what my year has been like. Thanks for all the support as always guys… I'm probably going to need a valium on surgery day!!!
@cali baker, @Petra, @Blueberrys Mom, @Manydogs, @Casper [MENTION=5315]Texas Carol[/MENTION] @brutus77 @pdolphin27 @Jennifer Clark
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cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
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Re: WORRIED… Ugh!!!

Please let us know how the vet visit went today, Tracey. Hoping there will be some good news for Winston.

[MENTION=7457]Blueberrys Mom[/MENTION], i'm curious about allergy testing myself but never heard that you had to be allergy free x 2 months first. That just seems catch 22'ish to me since we really can't achieve the bully being from allergies in the first place.
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