Won't Drink Water


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Feb 19, 2011
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Hey, just wondering if anyone has had this problem. Busters won't drink water. In the summer he drank lots, but ever since winter came, he refuses to drink any water and only eats snow. Now the snow is all gone and he still drinks no water. I have to keep giving him ice cubes because he thinks they are treats. I give him fresh water and put ice in it and everything, but he just turns his nose up at it. Do you think he will start drinking again when the weather gets warmer?


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Jan 28, 2010
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He will need to! Try putting some broth of some sort in the water to see if it will be more enticing? That has been mentioned on here before. Get the natural broth tho= not the salty stuff with all the added junk. Also since you are hydrating him with ice cubes, and his love for the snow..... perhaps he has 'trained' you to give him cold fluid. You may want to try not giving him cubes for a while before trying the water with broth so you know he is thirsty. I hope he drinks for you! Bottoms up!


Jul 11, 2010
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Bentley, Linus, Truman
Is he eating okay?

That seems really odd. He needs water to live.


Delilah's Personal Slave
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Feb 26, 2011
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I've never heard of a dog refusing to drink water unless they were sick. Is he completely healthy?


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Jan 15, 2011
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just a quick thought...could it be the dish he is drinking (or should be drinking from)??? i find that i must clean my Bullet's stainless dish almost daily as it gets a slimy slobber in it. :crazy: or maybe try a purified water (assuming you give him tap). hope he starts drinking soon....water is a MUST! :ohmy:


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I would think that instinct would kick in and he would eventually drink. I don't think dogs are smart enough to starve themselves or force themselves to not do something their bodies need. As long as he is healthy. He should start again soon. Just don't give in with the ice cubes etc....Watch him closely for a day or two, he may be drinking more than you know.


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sure sounds like he sure did love that snow and misses the heck out of it :LMAO:

sorry on the serious note i would try what desertsky said to do and not to do... i do know that when we go to jeff's parents house lex will hardly drink or eat cause hes not used to their enviroment and water and the smells are different etc.. but he is fine when we go to my mom and step dads...weird i know lol...


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thanks everyone --- he is healthy (other than his cleft palate!). What I mean is -- the not drinking water isn't seeming to negatively effect him. He still eats and pees and poops and everything. The bad thing though is that we want him to drink after eating to wash any food debris out of his palate. He really hasn't had much water since the summer! I give him ice because I worry that he isn't getting enough fluids. I will try that broth idea -- that is a good plan. Also, I do think that once he is outside more and such that he will start to drink again. Last summer we had a tiny kiddie pool and he drank out of that all the time. When we took him on a trip a few months ago and he was stuck in the hotel room with no ice or snow, he did drink! Maybe I will hold off on the cubes and see if it helps.
He is so much trouble! But cute trouble:)


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
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After your last post I'm thinking that he's getting plenty of fluids from the ice you're giving him, otherwise he'd be showing signs of becoming ill. Maybe you should try and hold off on the ice and see what happens!!


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I took him for a nice long walk and by the time we got home he was panting really hard. I got him a nice, fresh bowl of water and he went to the fridge and started to beg for ice. I said no -- you have water and walked away. He went into the middle of the floor and layed down and panted and fell asleep. No water. Then we went up to my father-in-law's for dinner and brought him with us. He played outside and their yard still has snow, as they live at a higher elevation -- so I think he got his fill on the snow. But I was so surprised that even after a long tiring walk, he still refused to drink! He is stubborn!


Stubborn eh! Now thats a surprise :) :lol:

Stick with it, that he went to the fridge for ice when given water shows that he has trained you do do what he wants! show me a bully that doesnt train his/her owner :lol:
He will sulk but I doubt very much that he would go without water for long. Try not to feel guilty! as you know he needs water and during the summer you cant supply ice 24/7, so you are doing this for him.

Not giving our babies something they like so much is very hard but in this case I would say its a necesity.
Hang in there chick :)


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Aug 20, 2010
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[MENTION=1874]DeeDee[/MENTION] The broth really helped with Chunk when he his belly wasn't feeling great. I actually put a little bit of broth (1/4 cup or so) in his bowl pretty often now that I've seen how much more he will drink! I've often considered getting him one of those water bottle thingies like hamsters have ... they make them for dogs and I thought he might like it. I used to have this drinking issue with Julia when she was younger too ... I'm hoping he outgrows it like she did! :lol:


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Well he drank!!! My husband played with him until he was really tired and panting. He wouldn't drink for a while, but after whimpering at the fridge and panting like crazy, he finally gave in and drank some water. My husband had to sit by his water dish and encourage him to drink by tapping the dish and dipping his finger in the water! But it worked. We think we know why he doesn't like to drink water anymore --- it pours out his nose and makes him cough! I think he has come to realize that snow and ice don't do that and it is probably uncomfortable! But it is good for him -- the water actually washes any food debris out of his palate! Poor guy!
Thanks for all the help and ideas!


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Aug 20, 2010
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Awww! Poor thing! Glad he drank - it gets nerve-wracking when they don't!


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Feb 28, 2011
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I'm wondering if the clef gives him more issues with water than you think? If it's coming out his nose...That burns if you've ever had that happen to you.

I was going to suggest crushed ice like when we make snow cones...it sort of like snow texture if you use an electric snow cone maker. If the broth didn't work. I too have never had a dog refuse water unless it was ill.

As for the snow...I wouldn't allow him to over eat any of it the next time it's on the ground. A few bites wouldn't hurt. But there have been warnings to no longer make homemade ice cream from snow any more...due to the pollution that is found in the snow. It can make a person sick. Just a heads up on that...

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