Wilson's new friend, Fred.....


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
Lookie what I found at our local garden store. Fred's about a year old and weighs about 60+ pounds. :laugh:He's really diggin' hanging out in the front but for concern for his safety, he'll reside somewhere in the backyard. Wilson hasn't met him yet but he spotted him from the front door and barked at him. :nonono: :D


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Fred is gorgeous. Too bad he has to live in the back yard. We have had good luck so far with our little guys staying on the front porch and under the pine tree outside. But we realize it only takes one miscreant to spoil it.
I'm half tempted to keep Fred in the front, I think he looks best there and he's protecting our front door. :) We live on a quite cul-de-sac so it's my own paranoia that he'll get stolen, I'm sure he'd be fine there.
Oh what a great find! Anyway you can concrete him down? I had a large Sago Palm pulled out of my front yard. They left a dirt trail all the way down the street where apparently they had a waiting vehicle cause the trail ended there.

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Oh that's bad when they start steeling your trees! Those palms are expensive, yikes. I miss my palm trees. We could concrete him down but probably won't. By the time I got my 20% off the sale price and then used what they call "kitty cash" (coupons you get for spending $$ there), and then I used another $5 coupon I had, I ended paying $43 buckeros for him, that being off a $129 ticket. Score! :up:
Just love it, you just never know what you may find.
Wow, I love Fred! hehe. I think I need one of those!
:heart: Love Fred, Yea, I would not take the chance, he can guard the back door just to be safe! You scored!!!

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