What would your bully's title be?


Jul 11, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley, Linus, Truman
I have found some of the bulldog names on here fascinating, especially the ones that include a title - like Bono, Son of the Sea or Pepper, The Belle of Birming'am.

So if you bulldog had a title, what would be it be? I am still brainstorming on ones for Linus and Truman so I will wait to hear some of the board's ideas for their bullies first!
Ooooh I will have to think about that one....
Bella's registered name is : Isabella Caroline de Sauve, she has my middle and maiden name, closet thing to a daughter.
Cuttys registered name is "Cutty Sarks Neat" (the breeder named the whole litter after different scotches. haha.)
Vegas's registered name is "Addicted 2 Vegas"
Orion's is a combo of her mommy's and daddy's AKC names ...Chesty's Girl Orion.

BUT...to simply put a title on her? It would either be 1) Oh No! or
2) Trouble
Hmmm Mr.Beefy doesnt have a registered name... I would have to think really hard about a title. Georgias name is Florida"s Georgia Peach and her daughter's name is Georgia's Miss Kitty lol
Boy, that's a hard one. I haven't registered my girls yet, because I want to use the perfect names and haven't decided on them yet. I'll have to think about their "titles".

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