What brought you to English Bulldog News?

I found this site while researching allergies and grain free diets..my boys both have skin issues..I have learned so much from the members here..I am still trying to figure some things out though..even though I posted a few threads when I first joined in May I somehow can't figure out how to do that again lol
I found this site while researching allergies and grain free diets..my boys both have skin issues..I have learned so much from the members here..I am still trying to figure some things out though..even though I posted a few threads when I first joined in May I somehow can't figure out how to do that again lol

Depending on the question and the type of device you are using. If it's a laptop, choose the correct forum and then there is a "post new thread" button about the middle-left side of the screen.
Since we are new to Bully's it only makes sense to be throughly informed by the best. Books don't have every remedy to every issue and those that live and see it daily are the best source. We are so thankful for this forum. Thank you!!
Someone posted a link about dog food which is a constant headache for us I poked around a bit and decided I liked what I I saw and here I am. I was a member on a U.K. Site that shut down a while back and just fb recently
I stumbled upon EBN after researching the breed & BEGGING my husband for my own bully baby. I showed him this site & all of the great information. Not too long after we found our George & this is my favorite place to ask questions, vent & brag about my baby without feeling like a crazy dog lady :laugh:. I can't put in words how thankful I am to have found this site & the great people that come along with it!!!! :luv:
I stumbled across EBN while googling congestion in bully's, I poked around abit liked what I saw and decided to stay, I've only been a member for a month or two but the advice from other users on the site has been invaluable, being a new bully owner it's great to be able to seek advice of people who know the breed so well only wish I would of found this site a lot soon than I did, thanks for all the help [emoji106][emoji3]
I found EBN after adopting my beautiful bully Khloe. People talk about how you help a bully when you adopt them. In my experience she has done sooo much more for me than I could ever have done for her. My baby girl was abused in a puppy mill. I could not imagine who could have ever hurt a precious angel like her. Since joining our family in march she has become our little princess. EBN has taught me the proper way to take care of her (my first bully). In the 9 months that we have been blessed to love her she has made a complete turn around. She is full of life and has filled our lives with more joy then I could ever explain. Thank you to everyone who posts information and comments. Khloe and I read them together. Lol!
Someone posted a link about dog food which is a constant headache for us I poked around a bit and decided I liked what I I saw and here I am. I was a member on a U.K. Site that shut down a while back and just fb recently

Which site was that?
Bulldogowners.uk maybe it's been a couple of years...it was a great site very easy to find advice and the regular questions didn't need to be asked over and over:)
Some of these stories are so funny! I found EBN a couple of weeks before we got Effie. I was mostly interested in learning about general care for bulldogs. I've only ever had cats (and 2 silly little hamsters). I've never had a dog as an adult. Of course we had dogs growing up- my mom was an avid beagle lover. But, Buttons the beagle wasn't my responsibility. I wanted to make sure my husband I were as prepared as possible. Sooo like many others- I lurked for a while. Starting sometime in February. I believe I officially joined the site shortly after bringing Effie home in March. I'm currently debating getting the 4 paw membership. This site is just so entertaining and helpful beyond words. I can't even count how many times I've looked things up- this puppy phase has been a real doozy!! So thanks to everyone! A lot of us "newbie" owners would be 1000x more stressed out without all of your help!

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