What brought you to English Bulldog News?

I would google if I needed to know anything about Bentley and google brought me here. At first I would pick around a little bit, not commenting. Then I started to find myself on the site longer. The conversations where helpful or fun. I questioned myself why I didn't sign up sooner. I'm so glad I did! July was a very difficult month for me personally. I feel like I have already made real friends with more than just a common interest. Everyone has been so nice and supportive too. I have never once felt silly by asking a question. I just hope that someday I can be as knowledgeable in bulldog care as the EBN veterans!
Some of these stories are so funny! I found EBN a couple of weeks before we got Effie. I was mostly interested in learning about general care for bulldogs. I've only ever had cats (and 2 silly little hamsters). I've never had a dog as an adult. Of course we had dogs growing up- my mom was an avid beagle lover. But, Buttons the beagle wasn't my responsibility. I wanted to make sure my husband I were as prepared as possible. Sooo like many others- I lurked for a while. Starting sometime in February. I believe I officially joined the site shortly after bringing Effie home in March. I'm currently debating getting the 4 paw membership. This site is just so entertaining and helpful beyond words. I can't even count how many times I've looked things up- this puppy phase has been a real doozy!! So thanks to everyone! A lot of us "newbie" owners would be 1000x more stressed out without all of your help!

Agree, so true!
I found the site through google while trying to find information on how to take care of our new bulldog puppy.
CHARLOTTE! I'd wanted an English bulldog forever and never had the home for one. Even have an EB breeder in the family! Anyhow, finally I commit to a pup from an upcoming litter. She was to be born in March -- about a six month wait. All is well in the world waiting for my pup...then I learn I'm going to have a BABY! May comes around and here I am at my baby shower and my little pup is there! Surprise! Anyhow moving along.... So now I'm 7mths pregnant with an 8 week old EB! Did I mention first one ever??? LOL we were great for a while...google and Cesar Milan were my friend as I learned all about EB's. Then Charlotte started to get red and what I thought were allergies. Off to the very expensive vet we went weekly... Every day she got a little worse more and more meds, changed foods, everything. It was horrible for a few weeks. And then I found EBN! I read every thread to do with rashes, allergies, health, ALL. OF. THEM. I figured Charlotte had puppy mange! Called up my breeder family and they gave me name of med to give her- amazon ordered and about one or two weeks later we were almost perfect again! Bye bye bad vet and hello EBN and new Vet! Baby arrived happy and healthy and Charlotte is happy and healthy too! (Most of the time)

Thats our story!
Umm seeing that I am now from a previous thread "out of the closet " about Bully bums and Tongues this the reason I.....................

I had spent two years looking for a good breeder and finding out about this wonderful breed of dog and way back when Dinosaurs roamed still My Grand MoM had a OEB that I never forgot many years later . I spent one heck of a lot of time in reading and research of them , I went to many sites but this one was ALIVE if you know what I mean with info , and for some that have gotten to know Me being the reclusive kinda guy I am ( Jokin again ) , NO really this site had a true live personality with knowledgeable owners of the breed that love the breed as much as I have grown over the years to love , it was a NO Brainer to come here a lot for Me . As I grew with My Bully I felt I could give some back to people that just got there first Bully like some did for Me I also have owned Many breeds and many many dogs that also adds to experience to pass on , and did I mention there are a lot of great picks of Bully B... and T......
A friend just told me about the site today so I had to join!! My beloved Romulan just turned one on December 23rd! And we are hoping to get another pup once his mama has another litter:) baby brother coming soon! 12391170_10156321932005527_2914334000546456652_n.jpg
i randomly stubbled across it. i wanted to find out more about this breed because i don't know everything. i also enjoy forums with nice people and this forum has a lot of them :D
A few years ago I wanted to learn about the breed My GrandMuM had them , I had just retired and My bucket list was a OEB PERIOD and a Camaro and to move from Toronto to anywhere the taxes were cheaper then $ 6600. a year for 35 ft frontage .
I had moved only twice in my entire life so it was huge for me but I figured a Wee little female bully would help with all of that and that that Bully would look good sitting in a Black 2010 Camaro tongue dribbling goo, jowls flapping all down the side as we drove to the new to us house 4 plus hrs north or Toronto .
I came here to learn was always a shy kinda guy ( Honest ) so did not ask many questions just read and read and read more , I finally with help from My new ability to speed read here picked out a wonderful wee female Bully named Matilda or Tilly she was 8 weeks old the adventure began !
I got established with a wonderful vet up here ( actually before I moved phoned to make sure they had dealt with Bulldogs in there practice before and asked for references to call ) that led to a amazing relationship with Anne My vet and another OEB that was in need of help she was a senior dog and My vet wondered as I knew so much about the breed due to this site and of course My speed reading ability if I had room for a wonderful dog named Diva , I picked her up that day in the Camaro with Tilly 008 (800x589).jpg The pic is there first day Diva came to her forever home on our back deck.
I spent a day cleaning the Camaro due to all that jowl flapping and had the most wonderful time in my life due to My coming here , I now come here because of the people here Many I consider close friends yet we have never met , I have cried with them for them and I would bet they have done the same for Me especially after Tilly and Diva passed on to the rainbow bridge
I still have a wee female Bully, Primrose or Rosie , you will see many pics here of her and my past bullies here , and My 4 other dogs ( non-bullies but all saves ) I still come to learn all the time and Help if I can to any that join this wonderful place for all things Bully and there human pets .
My husband bought me my first English bulldog puppy. I've wanted one all my life. My mom passed away this year and he knew Christmas would be hard. Tank will be delivered Wednesday or Thursday. I can't wait
Originally a Google search for lots of answers about EBD's; how to make a good choice when selecting a breeder, what to ask and look for, etc. I'm a bit OCD, so wanted to be as prepared as possible and try and eliminate any potential health problems by being informed and doing my due diligence. It has of course been more than I ever expected; this is truly a fantastic forum, so friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.

I'm a member of quite a few others for Auto / Cars and Sports mostly and this one sets the bar.
It has of course been more than I ever expected; this is truly a fantastic forum, so friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.

I'm a member of quite a few others for Auto / Cars and Sports mostly and this one sets the bar.

Those were my thoughts exactly when I found this place. I'm a member of BMW, Audi, VW forums...and a Miata forum that set the bar pretty high but EBN easily eclipsed that one.
From google.So thankful that there are so many friends keeping puppies like me. I read so many moving stories here, and I'll love my puppy and accompany him for life.
Found this forum through google! Owning a new EB pup, I was frequently googling all kinds of questions I had and the other day I found this forum! My experience so far has been fantastic.

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