What brought you to English Bulldog News?


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
How did you find or hear about English Bulldog News? Tell us your story! Inquiring minds want to know!

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My Maggie had suffered from MMM ... masticatory muscle myositis the first year we got her .. it happened in the fall. MMM is when the body no longer recognises the muscles in the jaw that allows movement. So the body attacks the muscles until the jaw can no longer move ... it is locked. Maggie got it in 2008 and about the same time she got it again in 2009. As September 2010 started to approach I continued to research it, and could find no link between the seasonal change and the MMM, but it intrigued and worried me that it was said to be an auto-immune disease and yet it happened to Maggie at the same time each year. I even mentioned it to my vet at the time, and she said that although there were no proven link between MMM and seasonal allergies or changes that it didn't mean it didn't exist. So I decided I would do everything in my power to boost the immune system. I think I just searched in facebook under english bulldogs and EBN was probably the first one that came up that was not a rescue. So I registered, poked around as a member and then I posted my thread about Maggie and her MMM .... well the first person who really gave me constructive advice was [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION]. She was the one who told me the Beneful I was innocently feeding Maggie was totally crap and who steered me not only in the path of a fantastic food but who offered her phone no and her email address so that if I ever felt overwhelmed I could call her. With her help and with EBN's help, Maggie never had MMM again.

Because of that I stayed, and learnt, and also began to feel that as I learnt I could then pass on that knowledge to other buly owners, just as [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION] had taken the time to do for me.

Been here for two years now ............. :up:
It was a random search on the web seeking out pictures of my obsession 'BULLDOGS' !! :D I joined in July 2011, just lurked until September when I also began obsessed with the site. The people are so welcoming, helpful, supportive and loads of fun. I was getting my daily dose of awesome bulldog pictures, both adult and puppy all while learning and getting to share my experiences and knowledge. In October, my sweet boy Nitschke, went to the bridge very unexpectantly and if it were not for the ability to have all the support and encouragement from the wonderful members of this community, <sigh>, don't know how I would have been able to handle the pain and heart break.

This is by far, one of the greatest things I have been a part of! Thank you all... especially Lisa for creating our great bulldog community!!
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We were getting HRH and I searched English Bulldog Forums. Found a couple and this is THE ONE that FIT.
So I told Bruce about it and he joined too and well, the rest is history.
I found EBN thru facebook. I clicked on a link and it brought me here. That was 5-5-10. My first post was asking about a torn ACL. I had just been told that his "Dr" thought he had a torn ACL. Vegas was limping and that's what they thought might be wrong. Turns out, Vegas lost about 12 pounds and he's never limped again. I made my introduction in my second post the next day. I came running to EBN pleading for advice in my third post..... about an encounter that I had at the pet store. Vegas wasn't even 3 and some jerk suggested the best thing for my poor suffering dog was euthanasia. I came here looking for a witty response for the next person who dare to say those words to me. Chip (although I swear it was actually Lisa) answered a few minutes later concerned that it was someone here that said it to me. I had to go back and edit my post to say "in the pet store the other day". I got great advise from a member named Petunia13. She said this "I might respond by saying that what makes us human is our ability to have compassion for and care for those who need it, including animals. While I'm thinking about it, didn't Hitler kill people for reasons such as ethnicity, religion, eye color, height and ability/disability?"

That made me feel a little better. Who knew that I would have to deal with ignorant people saying mean things to me all the time. I've learned (kinda) to deal with it with the help of my peeps here. Shortly after, within a few months...I was asked to become a mod. That scared me...having the ability to erase a site. Lisa assured me that anything I might be able to break on EBN could probably be fixed. I've been here ever since.
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, Shortly after, within a few months...I was asked to become a mod. That scared me...having the ability to erase a site. Lisa assured me that anything I might be able to break on EBN could probably be fixed. I've been here ever since.

Holy Crap .. we can break EBN!!! Nobody told me that when I became a mod .... ****putting second bottle of beer down very slowly**** :confused: :blink: :p :ROFL:
Tread lightly kiddo. Don't push too many buttons. Cover your ARSE. Learn to say, "I don't know what happened" and "it wasn't me".
Our previous dog was a Boxer and I was a member of a Boxer forum. I loved the breed specific information shared, the stories, PICTURES, and having 'someone' to turn to with questions. When we finally made the choice to be EB owners it only made sense to search for an EB forum. EBN has been great! Y'all are helpful, goofy, and at times HONEST. The community here is awesome :yes:
Brutus was 8 months when he began to bleed from his private(prolapsed urethra). I couldn't find much information from actual experience until I found this site! I posted immediately without introduction bc I was sooo scared! Then a week later Brutus had his first and not last seizure. This site was my savior bc I got the best advice and support! I then introduced myself and hijacked [MENTION=4225]Twice[/MENTION] introduction :) Glad I did lol and glad I got to meet her and her sweetie head! I met some amazing people on this site and others met via Internet. I am so grateful to have found this site and it's members!

[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] I really hope people are not making nasty comments ever to you! Vegas is just like everybully else he just needs more attention :) Vegas is a role model for other bullies dealing with similar circumstances! Don't ever let anyone make you feel guilty! You are an amazing amazing mama to those 2 bullies :) had to throw this in :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so that explains my grammar :)
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] I really hope people are not making nasty comments ever to you! Vegas is just like everybully else he just needs more attention :) Vegas is a role model for other bullies dealing with similar circumstances! Don't ever let anyone make you feel guilty! You are an amazing amazing mama to those 2 bullies :) had to throw this in :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so that explains my grammar :)

Thank you so much. I have Vegas's seizure videos on youtube. I have a specific reason for posting them there and both of us know why...and how many people have been helped by seeing what we go thru. I do it because there wasn't any videos when he was diagnosed. I wanted to know what these seizures looked like and I wanted to compare. I wanted someone I could turn to and ask questions.
I get a few nasty comments every month. But...I now have all comments blocked until they are approved. I still have to read them..and they still hurt. But, I'm able to delete the comment without ever acknowledging the person who wrote it. This is very very very hard for me to do. I'm extremely sensitive and emotional where Vegas is concerned. I want to hurt them like they hurt me, but.......some very wise EBNers have pointed out to me, this is what they want. They thrive on a response.
Thank you so much. I have Vegas's seizure videos on youtube. I have a specific reason for posting them there and both of us know why...and how many people have been helped by seeing what we go thru. I do it because there wasn't any videos when he was diagnosed. I wanted to know what these seizures looked like and I wanted to compare. I wanted someone I could turn to and ask questions.
I get a few nasty comments every month. But...I now have all comments blocked until they are approved. I still have to read them..and they still hurt. But, I'm able to delete the comment without ever acknowledging the person who wrote it. This is very very very hard for me to do. I'm extremely sensitive and emotional where Vegas is concerned. I want to hurt them like they hurt me, but.......some very wise EBNers have pointed out to me, this is what they want. They thrive on a response.

I am beyond grateful for you! I can only imagine how badly you want to hurt these people and I pray they never ever own any animals! Keep your head held high sista!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so that explains my grammar :)
Thank you for sharing your stories! I love reading them :heart:

Vegas has helped so many [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] and those people who say mean stuff are just trolls. I had someone dislike my tail pocket cleaning video because "I don't know why I disliked your video, it was spot on, but you sounded too business like" (or something like that). Seriously? It was an instructional video!!!! :angry: I guess they had not heard my baby talk on the videos yet.... :laugh:
I can't even come close to matching the stories that others have posted, but here it goes. I'm a big time forum freak, I love them, I think forums are one of the best things on the Internet. So whenever I want to learn about a specific topic I head to the forums. I did a search for bulldog forums and several popped up. I looked at three, I think, but the others just didn't feel right. As some of you have come to learn I have a sense of humor, I'm sarcastic, and a tad bit goofy. When reading through the EBN forums I learned that there are several kindred spirits here. The other thing I learned is that everyone is very welcoming and over the top nice. I joined and immediately felt that I belonged. EBN feels more like a family than mere acquaintances on the interwebs. I love this place, now you're stuck with me. Now I just need to get my wife on here.
Love theses stories too. Unlike, [MENTION=5193]Texkota[/MENTION] I am not a forum person (honestly had no idea these places existed) like [MENTION=1760]Fontanafox[/MENTION] I did a google search looking for information about bulldogs and found EBN. As many already know this place is special (I looked at a Weimaraner forum after I found EBN and forums and it couldn't have been more different....information not too useful and lots of snarky venting....needless to say I didn't join). I found EBN looking for information but I stuck around because the people are very special:)
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