What brought you to English Bulldog News?

Before we got our first EB (first dog as well), I did my homework.
This site gave me the best, and most info.
Thank you all.


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Guess I never said what brought me here. I was just looking for a place to get info on the breed and after checking a lot of places out. This one seemed the best.

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I was Looking for information about the breed b4 I went and got Leo. I found this forum to be very informative so I joined.
I got a Eb at 2 months old and raised him.He is now 4yrs old he will be 5 in April and I just love bulldogs now and I just what to know everything about them

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Heya all,
I found this forum through google. I am soo excited as i am waiting for my bulldog(s).
I have loved bulldog since i was a kid, but wasnt allowed to own a dog. Now i am married with a 9mths old baby. I wanna have a bullies to be my baby's friend.........
Luck. As in the uk we call them British bulldogs.
I didn't like the uk forums because on the whole whey were pretentious.

But I love this site

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Hi, I'm in Switzerland with Blossom who is 6 months old today.

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Just read all these stories and some names i recognize and cherish others that i wish i could read more about seems like destiny brought me here. That is not an easy job as i am a rather big boy. I had been looking on the internet for over 2 years searching for Chance and came across EBN and bookmarked the page. I too was a lurker for almost two years and when i knew i had found Chance i put in my first post about getting him in two weeks he was going to be called Tonka or trouble at this time. With some forum help trouble was scratched off the list someone mentioned he might grow into his name. Have received great advice, encouragement and friendship and feel comfortable and safe. Discovered Title Change and blindly stepped up, wow wasn't expecting that but loved it glad i could share and make a few laugh. This forum has brought out every emotion and challenged me to look at things with a different perspective. So glad i joined and hope to help out any way i can. Chance and I salute you all009008.jpg
I have always loved and wanted an EBD and when I finally got my beautiful boy, Mack, I began reading up on everything Bully... I came upon this site and after reading a few threads I knew I found a great place to become more educated... And I I fell in live with the sure! This is such a warm m, happy place!
I lost my first bully rocky he was 8 yrs old . I was devisated . I lost my best friend . My husband seen how much i was hurting and found this web site and asked me to post how i was feeling . I needed to talk to someone about losing rocky , that would understand he was more than just a eb dog.
I posted and got loving respones from members that had gone through loosing a bully. They made me feel so much better and helped my get through my
loss, i also learned about rainbow bridge .. I love reading the posted.. I laught ..cry.. And learn alot.
I stumbled upon EBN while doing a Goggle search on English Bulldogs. I am a first time bully mama and I need all the help I can get so, I poked around a bit and liked what I saw. Everyone is so knowledgeable, friendly and caring, I was immediately hooked!! :drawheart2:
I found EBN in the parking lot at PetsMart after the vet told me I couldn't buy my dogs food with out a prescription. I didn't have the money for him to see the doctor and buy the food so I figured there was probably something better than that anyway. I was sitting there in tears feeling pretty desperate and worried that taking him off his food would kill him for sure.

I found the dog food grades site and stumbled on EBN. I was worried that I'd have to pay (money issues) or wouldn't get let in for some reason. Thankfully I got approved, changed dexter to an organic grain and soy free food- while supporting a made in the USA product and made a whole group of people I'd trust with my baby's life.

I tell everyone I know about EBN and if they don't join, they're just plain stupid. This is the best free resource for how to best care for our babies and full of like minded individuals. I am so thankful that vet was a jerk that day.
We just got our Lou Lou and wanted to know all things bulldog... This site has been so informational! Lou Lou is 7 weeks old, sweet as can be, just wish I knew how to handle to biting better...

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