What a DAY!


New member
Dec 30, 2014
Jonesborough, TN
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Penny, Angel, and Jackson
Yesterday was my worst nightmare come true! I let my babies outside and ran to the bathroom to speed pee, and someone swipped Jackson and Angel from my yard! I was, litterally, gone less than 3 minutes. I came back outside to see a van pulling away slowly facing oncoming traffic. Panicked, I ran to make sure my bully babies were okay, thinking they may have ran in front of the van, which they have never offered to do, but things do happen, but they were no where to be found! I immediately call-in to work, hysterical of course, call my husband, and call the police. After my husband arrives following the police officer I reach out to my Facebook family and plead for any information! My Facebook friends shared my post well over 200 times in less than 5 hours, in that time we searched our entire area, I call EVERY vet in a 30 mile radius, print flyers, and when we're on the way to stick them in all the vet offices doors, and we receive a call that the lady driving the van HAD stopped and picked them up. She said she thought they were strays because they didn't have collars on, even though they were in my yard. Uh huh, sketchy... She didnt knock on any doors, stop at a neighbors or anything! she said a friend of hers called to say the dogs she "found" were on the lost pets of the tricities Facebook page. We're SO glad they were returned unharmed, and no more potty breaks for me while watching the pups play in the "safety" of our yard.


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
Staff member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
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Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
WOW... That is horrible, I'm so glad that you got your babies back unharmed. Many people have had their bullies stolen, especially puppies. I would keep a close eye on them from now on...

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Miss Lola

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Sep 25, 2014
Maple Ridge
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Lola, Floyd
I'm so sorry this happened to you, I can't imagine what you must have been feeling. So happy the are safe at home now. Snuggle them extra tight tonight.


New member
Jun 26, 2014
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Oh my goodness. Reading this post hurt my stomach thinking of what you went through. I can't imagine the fear. I am so thankful that you got your babies back!! I completely understand the reasoning..."whats 3 minutes, MAX?" Ugh!! People are despicable sometimes but thank God you got your babies back! Did this lady take them out of your back yard or the pups were in front?


Norwegian Rose
Community Veteran
Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
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Bulldozer and Blossom
Wow that would have been a scary experience, I would have been in panic mode too, I'm so glad you got your babies back safe and sound. Thank goodness for FB and the media helping to get the word out. It sounds sketchy to me too, that the woman said she found the dogs when they were in your backyard, plus she was driving around in a van, it doesn't sound right. Thank goodness her friend saw the FB plea and told her about it, or who knows if she would have returned them. If she had "found" them like she said why didn't she ask neighbours, or take them to the animal shelter? Did the Police check her out? I am always o alert when it comes to my babies as well, I don't trust anyone, and I'm paranoid about someone trying to steal them. I won't even take them to the store with me, unless I have my hubby or my son with me, so someone can stay outside with them, I never tie them up outside while I go in, and they are never outside alone.
Keep them close and give them extra love and hugs tonight, it could have turned out much worse, I'm so glad you have them back and they are safe. Hugs and Prayers being sent your way.

Cali Doll

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Nov 20, 2014
Northern VA
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This is terrifying!! I'm so grateful you got them back! Were they in a fenced in yard? If not, had they wandered into the street? That lady's story is very suspicious.


New member
Feb 9, 2015
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that is an absolute nightmare come true!! I am so sorry you had to go through that but SO happy your babies are back with you. what a horrifying experience. I too have heard of people swiping bullies out of yards. What kind of sick person would do that?!?

we have frank microchipped and a collar with our info on it but that wouldn't really help if he was taken maliciously instead of lost... scary world :(

- - - Updated - - -

did the woman who took them actually bring them back herself? I would've been furious with her.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Fairfax, VA
Bulldog(s) Names
Taco & Thor
So she came on your property, took your dogs, and identified them as strays? That doesn't add up. I'm not A lawyer, but if a story smells like bull, it probably is. I would push trespassing charges, and whatever else I could tag on in order to let this thief, or "nosey Nancy," which I don't buy, that she can't get away being either of those in this world.

I glad you were able to get them back, I would have been very upset if I was in your shoes.


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Dec 13, 2012
Washington, DC
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Ruckus and Regina
Ohhhhh I am so so glad they're back safe!!!

Strays??? Perfectly groomed dogs on someone's yard and you think they're strays?!? Yeah she was just dog napping for sure!

You can never be too careful, people are drawn to bulldogs. You should look into that woman, she sounds shady.


New member
Dec 30, 2014
Jonesborough, TN
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Penny, Angel, and Jackson
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We got the police involved, and were going to have them come with us to pick them up from her home, BUT the officer spoke with her and she works for the clerks office, and he knew her, or knew of her. I was FLOORED! When the officer said, "yeah she's okay. If y'all turn up missin' I know where to find you. Haha" I was like uhhhh....ha..ha..?? This lady just swipped my dogs and you're making jokes? No thanks! They weren't in the road either. She said she saw them without collars and thought they were strays running around. She had her kids with her and they both went AHW! She then asked if I lived in the old house, or newer brick house, I gave her the eyebrow and said, I saw you pulling away, we live in the brick house. I shouldn't have said anything now that I think about it. If she maliciously took them, she WILL be on the lookout for another opportunity to snatch them again...poor babies! People only see dollar signs when they see bulldogs, not how absolutely perfect and amazing babies they really are *sigh* we're putting up a fence in the Spring, but I still don't trust that someone wouldn't grab them out of it, too!


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2012
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b and w
I don't care if the cop knows her or not, she is not "OK".

If she thought they were strays, go through the appropriate channels (local animal control center or what not) and have them picked up.
But to think that two bulldogs that were together, in someones yard, are strays? Paaaaaaaalease. She stole them.

Since the officer knows her, he shouldn't be involved. Ask to speak with a different officer and press charges. You could be saving another family heartache if you stop crazy lady now.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Fairfax, VA
Bulldog(s) Names
Taco & Thor
I don't care if the cop knows her or not, she is not "OK".


Since the officer knows her, he shouldn't be involved. Ask to speak with a different officer and press charges. You could be saving another family heartache if you stop crazy lady now.

Yup, agree 100%. Like I said, looks like poo, smells like poo, probably tastes like poo, must be: Poo!


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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I don't care if the cop knows her or not, she is not "OK".

If she thought they were strays, go through the appropriate channels (local animal control center or what not) and have them picked up.
But to think that two bulldogs that were together, in someones yard, are strays? Paaaaaaaalease. She stole them.

Since the officer knows her, he shouldn't be involved. Ask to speak with a different officer and press charges. You could be saving another family heartache if you stop crazy lady now.

so totally agree!
[MENTION=13438]CrazyDogMom[/MENTION] -- so happy they are back with you and all is OK. Get a 6 foot fence than no one can see into


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
Yesterday was my worst nightmare come true! I let my babies outside and ran to the bathroom to speed pee, and someone swipped Jackson and Angel from my yard! I was, litterally, gone less than 3 minutes. I came back outside to see a van pulling away slowly facing oncoming traffic. Panicked, I ran to make sure my bully babies were okay, thinking they may have ran in front of the van, which they have never offered to do, but things do happen, but they were no where to be found! I immediately call-in to work, hysterical of course, call my husband, and call the police. After my husband arrives following the police officer I reach out to my Facebook family and plead for any information! My Facebook friends shared my post well over 200 times in less than 5 hours, in that time we searched our entire area, I call EVERY vet in a 30 mile radius, print flyers, and when we're on the way to stick them in all the vet offices doors, and we receive a call that the lady driving the van HAD stopped and picked them up. She said she thought they were strays because they didn't have collars on, even though they were in my yard. Uh huh, sketchy... She didnt knock on any doors, stop at a neighbors or anything! she said a friend of hers called to say the dogs she "found" were on the lost pets of the tricities Facebook page. We're SO glad they were returned unharmed, and no more potty breaks for me while watching the pups play in the "safety" of our yard.

I would have completely 100% lost it. I am so glad they are okay. I have been hearing stories alot lately of people just taking dogs out of backyards, etc. Esp bulldogs....Tyson only goes outside on walks, and if he does goes in backyard, we are right there with him. Just too many risks, him eating something, being scooped up, ugh, anything. Don't let those babies out of your site!! so happy all worked out!

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