Wesley new wheels! First day out!


Active member
Mar 30, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Dudley (2015-2020) Wesley 2021
My wife has borrowed a dog pram off her sister to get Wesley out and about, hes not had his second jab yet so not allowed on the floor but vet said itā€™s a good idea to get him out and about to get used to noises and smells.

He loved it! Nothing seemed to bother him and was fast asleep after 30 mins :D


And a couple of photos of him chillin with his mum :D

Heā€™s SO well behaved when heā€™s asleep :yes::D


Oh my goodness I just love him!! What a sweet boy!!!
I bet he loved that ride!

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Seriously... that is precious!!! My two have a collapsable wagon we would take them to the Farmer's Market... Lol
Oh my goodness I just love him!! What a sweet boy!!!
I bet he loved that

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He did! And wasnt scared of the traffic noise or any else :D
[MENTION=13960]Zedsded[/MENTION] Absolutely PRECIOUS VIDEO!!! Love the photos too :)
He is such a sweet little baby!

Pram looks interesting. Some days Castor isn't keen on walking (probably due to pain or just old age) and we have actually talked about getting a pram so that he could go a bit further than now on his daily walks (I don't drive so he needs to walk to every park we go to). I'm probably known around here as the woman who cannot make her stubborn dog walk, so imagine what people would say if I had him in a pram :D
He is such a sweet little baby!

Pram looks interesting. Some days Castor isn't keen on walking (probably due to pain or just old age) and we have actually talked about getting a pram so that he could go a bit further than now on his daily walks (I don't drive so he needs to walk to every park we go to). I'm probably known around here as the woman who cannot make her stubborn dog walk, so imagine what people would say if I had him in a pram :D

Hee is a cutie, and already knows he is! :D

My sister in law bought the pram for exactly that reason, her 14 year old spaniel still loved to go out but the walk there and back was too much for him.
Sadly she lost him just before we lost Dudley.
He did! And wasnt scared of the traffic noise or any else :D

He looks like a total sweetie[emoji3590] I sure do miss puppy snuggles.
Keep the updates coming!

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[MENTION=13960]Zedsded[/MENTION] What a cute video! Thanks for sharing. He seems very smart, as he was looking around and observing everything. That means interesting toys for him!! He is so cute!
He really seemed to be taking in everything. What a great way to let him safely explore.
I love it! Iā€™m thinking of buying one of those for my little ole man, Chelios. He LOVES walks, but canā€™t go too far anymore.

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