Weight/waiist check?

Mar 19, 2013
Good old US of A
Bulldog(s) Names
Norman(RIP) & Jenkins
Can you look at these pics, ignore the hack job shaved bits, and tell me if you think Norm looks ok weight-wise. He's a 3 year old neutered male. 20130913_180955.jpg20130913_180941.jpgThanks in advance!
He's thick - but I wouldn't say he's overweight, as you can clearly see a definition in his waist. I would not allow him to get any thicker at this point though :)

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He looks a little bit on a bigger side for me , he could do with losing few pounds
Agree with others... A little thick would not let him gain anything
He's thick - but I wouldn't say he's overweight, as you can clearly see a definition in his waist. I would not allow him to get any thicker at this point though :)

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exactly my thoughts. He has a waistline so is healthy but could lose a couple pounds. Ether way, he is in good have at this point. :)
Last check at the vet he was 61 pounds. Thanks for the input!

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