Vomited red blood, and black, tarry diarrhea :-(

I'm so glad your baby is home, and I'm so sorry about what happened... I agree w/the gang, the CBD oil is popping up everywhere. I would definitely give it a try!!!
Thanks again everybully for the good wishes, info, etc!

[MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION].....Thank you for that article.....between that info and all the SCARY info about
Flea and Tick prevention----wow! :(

After speaking to our vet about stopping the Carprofen both babies were taking, I've read more about the alternative med (Galliprant) he suggested, but nope---it's STILL an NSAID, and there is NO WAY we're giving either baby ANY kind of NSAID ever again!!!!!!!

We're gonna go to the wonder-bull little "mom and pop" pet store tomorrow and buy the CBD powder they sell that the store owner said changed their elderly pug from not being able to get up from the floor and barely walking to acting like a puppy.:tongue:

The OIL we got from them a while back didn't SEEM to help at all; but we only gave it to her for a month, then gave up, ASSuming it wasn't working. I am SO MAD at myself for that !!:ashamed:

I've been thanking God profusely that Sophie's ulcer didn't PERFORATE and kill her! :pray2: ( the LARGE amount of blood certainly LOOKED like it did!)

(( hugs ))) to everybully and your precious babies !!!! :)
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Thanks again everybully for the good wishes, info, etc!

[MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION].....Thank you for that article.....between that info and all the SCARY info about
Flea and Tick prevention----wow! :(

After speaking to our vet about stopping the Carprofen both babies were taking, I've read more about the alternative med (Galliprant) he suggested, but nope---it's STILL an NSAID, and there is NO WAY we're giving either baby ANY kind of NSAID ever again!!!!!!!

We're gonna go to the wonder-bull little "mom and pop" pet store tomorrow and buy the CBD powder they sell that the store owner said changed their elderly pug from not being able to get up from the floor and barely walking to acting like a puppy.:tongue:

The OIL we got from them a while back didn't SEEM to help at all; but we only gave it to her for a month, then gave up, ASSuming it wasn't working. I am SO MAD at myself for that !!:ashamed:

I've been thanking God profusely that Sophie's ulcer didn't PERFORATE and kill her! :pray2: ( the LARGE amount of blood certainly LOOKED like it did!)

(( hugs ))) to everybully and your precious babies !!!! :)

Good plan.... please keep us posted

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