
  1. Vabulldog

    Anyone have an EBD that throws up clear liquid after drinking?

    Anyone have an EBD that shows up after drinking water. It's clear and it's not everything he drank..he does eat/drink on the fast side but I've had dogs that were that way before. He always burps about 3 times after eating or drinking. He doesn't throw up his good. Just clear liquid right after...
  2. Jason983

    Need help figuring out whatā€™s wrong with my boy blue!!

    Hello all, Iā€™m new here. My name is Jason and I have a 2 and a half year old English bulldog named blue!! Recently blue has had some issue with vomiting and we canā€™t seem to figure out why and the vet isnā€™t much help. Blue throws up mostly yellow but sometimes clear bile. This is never with any...
  3. N

    Help Needed! Swallowed piece of plastic bottle

    My boy Pabllo needed exactly 10 seconds to make a ripe trough a sock and reach the 2 litres water bottle & make the hole in the picture. I only took my eyes off him for 10 seconds to reply to a text message and i have put a sock on top of the bottle for safety measurements ( i tought i was that...
  4. ladywebb

    Lesson Learned!!

    It has been a bit since I've needed to post a thread...figured I should post this. Well first off, Gilbert is about 10 1/2 months old now. He is my constant shadow or personal "stalker" (whichever way you want to look at it). Gilbert seems to like to play with his toys most when I am sitting...
  5. SidNBear

    First time EBD owner

    Hello! First of all Iā€™m still figuring this website out so hopefully this posts correctly lol, but Iā€™m a first time English bulldog owner, heā€™s an absolute terror. I love him but he definitely gives me a run for my money. I just have a few questions regarding his care, we are feeding him Hills...
  6. S


    Shirley has vomited a small amount of what looks like undigested supper twice this week. It happened both times between 3-5am (yeah I hardly sleep). She's not lethargic nor showing any signs of not feeling well, no temp, eyes clear, no runny nose etc. I feed her bfast at 6:30am and supper at...
  7. A

    Throat clear, then gagging, then vomit

    For the last few days our girl has been doing this thing where she tries to clear her through a couple of times and then gags (sometimes followed by vomit). She's always done this one or twice after eating without the vomit but lately she's started doing it throughout the day. Any thoughts on...
  8. O

    Help Needed! Need Help with mysterious choking/passing out episodes!

    About a week ago our beloved Odin had some sort of choking episode. Up until this point we have been unable to tell what type of episode (seizure, choking, etc). This is the 5th time in 2 months it has happened. Heā€™s been at the vet for a few days, and because we have been unable to figure out...
  9. 1Chumly

    Vomiting in the middle of the night

    I would appreciate some thoughts as to what could possibly be going on with Buster. Occasionally, he will vomit in the middle of the night. I say vomit, it could be regurgitation, as I have never actually seen it happen. It is undigested food, hours after he has eaten. He seems absolutely...
  10. walterenglishbulldog

    My Bulldog Walter may be sick please guide me

    Hello, I am a new member here on englishbulldognews.com. My 7 mo old English Bulldog named walter seem to have congested nose, and then sometimes he gags but no vomit coming out. But when he gets super excited that he has to breath fast, he vomits small amount of the dog food he ate previously...
  11. B

    Stuffy nose

    Our bella has a stuffy and a runny nose. We took her to the mall on Sunday but she was in a stroller the entire time and didnā€™t come into contact with any dogs but she was on a plane on Saturday as we picked her up from the airport. Her nasal discharge is clear with bubbles and her eyes are...
  12. J

    Fiona wonā€™t eat or drink

    Hi, My Fiona has not eaten or drank today. It is warm here today. She has vomited a couple of times. The second time it was yellow and slimy. (Almost like a hang over vomit) How do I get her to drink?
  13. K

    Sickness and constipation

    So on Sunday Ronnie decided to start eating grass something he has never done before. On Monday he wasn't quite right wouldn't leave my side and was pacing about. On Tuesday he was sick 3 times randomly but Sstill acting himself yesterday again he was sick 3 times but still playful and wanting...
  14. TooTooMommy

    Vomited red blood, and black, tarry diarrhea :-(

    :( We always knew that NSAIDs can have the horri-bull side effect of stomach bleeding (and other bad ones!) , plus, we know that black stools mean "old blood". Anyway, we weren't home when it happend, but Thursday at 5:00, DH came home to find Sophie sleeping peacefully and in NO distress, but...
  15. L

    Help Needed! Looking for advice

    My 3yearold female bully has a small trachea and has always had issues with throwing up a sticky foam after exerting herself. She is prone to get pneumonia from aspirating so I try to keep her calm. However. Lately itā€™s been worse and has he will vomit so easily like a small piece of kibble gets...
  16. D

    Help Needed! Vomiting more with increasing age?

    Has anyone experienced a higher frequency of vomiting in their pal as s/he gets older? Winston will be 10 in February and is aging exceptionally - so far, no signs of any of the general concerns of a bulldog his age. He exercises regularly, has energy to play all day if he wants, gets into...
  17. L

    FYI - Bloat

    Last week I lost Summer. She was 16ish, had several chronic issues, including dementia and vestibular disease. I had been evaluating her quality of life monthly for about a year. I often wondered if I would be able to make a rational decision. Tuesday the 17th of Oct. forced my decision...
  18. B

    Complications after Soft Palate Surgery in Dogs?

    Hi all - Decided to finally get the Palate surgery for Baxter as he has pretty bad sleep apnea, and his throat closed up one day when we were playing outside. Im wondering if its normal for him to be vomiting and gagging on phlegm like crazy a couple weeks after the surgery. He tends to...
  19. 2

    overweight bully

    hi everyone. so my 1yo bully is overweight, at least 10lb. hubby swears we r giving her the best food for her....royal canine.......she does not get a lot of treats or people food........vet swears we r overfeeding her and giving people food.......i walk her most mornings, just around the block...
  20. 1Chumly

    Praying posture/bowing

    This popped up on my FB. Monty does this and I have seen other Bulldogs in the same position. I always assumed it was a 'Bully" thing. Does anyone have any thoughts and should I be concerned? He has had none of the other symptoms. "Bowingā€” can be a sign of play and especially puppies bow...
  21. M

    (TMI) "Self-Cleaning" his crate?

    Background: Hammy is 9 weeks old, been home with us for all of 8 days. We have his crate, with one small fleece blanket, in the living room and potty training seems to be going.. well, I'll just say, "as expected". My husband and I work during the day, but I come home at lunch to let him out and...
  22. helsonwheels

    Vomiting bile

    This is a bit odd. Nyala who's healthy and happy go lucky puppy started to vomit yellow bile. Nothing has changed with her routine. She's always playing and moving around like the energizer bunny. Drinks well but lately a week ago Ms Muffet started boycotting her food. Yesterday gave her home...
  23. G

    General Question Vomit..

    Hey everyone..I have a concern / question regarding my little girl. She's 5 yrs old and just recently started vomiting almost on a daily basis a few days ago. We have switched her diet due to allergies over the past few weeks but I don't think there's a connection between the two being that it...
  24. Lalaloopsie

    We are diagnosed to have parvovirus! Please share your experience!

    Yesterday in 1 minute our happy life was gone - at 8 pm Tank ate his dinner, we went for a walk and he was active and happy, made 2 good non-liquid poops, and we returned home. 9.30 he started vomiting, first with food, later with clear waterish substance, and finally with just foam. He drank a...
  25. Mcleanb7

    Allergy Maintenance Therapy

    Our boy has A TON of allergies. We had a blood test done and of course he was allergic to everything. We've already taken care of the food allergies--he eats Nutrisca Chicken and Chick Pea recipe (this was the only food I could find that was free of all of his allergies). But he has a lot of...
  26. E

    Bad reaction to heartworm preventative

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has had issues with bad reactions to any of the heart-worm monthly preventatives? Per their instructions of their heart-worm protocol, I recently gave my newly adopted SPCA stage-2 heart-worm positive bulldog named Winnie a Tri-heart (Ivermectin) and 2 hours...
  27. P

    My Belle is not feeling well

    Hi all. We are new here. I have just purchased my baby Belle who is 2.5 months old on Thursday. Since then she had a clean bill of health and all vaccines up to date and she was fine friday but Saturday she started this dry heaving and then a gag at the end but no vomit. She has a bet appt...
  28. D

    Beefs recovery

    Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since Beefs emergency, and he's doing WONDERFUL!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out, and although we went through a lot, I don't regret doing this surgery. His quality of life is already so much better. His snoring has PROFOUNDLY decreased...he...
  29. D

    Post-op complications after Beefs soft palate surgery..

    So these past 24 hours have been the worst of my life. Beefs soft palate surgery, nares widening and neuter was Wednesday morning. We took beef home Thursday around 4pm. He was doing a lot of gaging/retching and threw up a few piles of white phlegm/foam. Everything seemed fine and we all went to...
  30. Lena3220

    Help Needed! Manu was up all night vomitting :(

    My poor babe randomly started gagging and throwing up last night. We were up on and off all night and I can't come up with a reason as to why he'd be sick. He initially "got sick" yesterday around 11:30-12, but after a little while - he was fine and back to his happy self. He ate his normal...
  31. brutus77

    My poor Brutus

    Tonight I think I actually died a little. Brutus gets 40mg of prozac with his dinner meal everynight. Well tonight I fed Brutus not knowing Gary had already fed him. He git a double dose of meds. I called the emergency vet on call for my regular vet and they said I had to rush him to the ER vet...
  32. punky

    I have to vet, sorry little long

    I just need to vent.. hope its ok to do it here but I gotta get it off my chest.. My niece calls me all upset because when she got home from work her cat was acting strange, not his normal self coming out to meet her.. says the cat vomited everywhere and she found him under the bed. When she...
  33. Cali Doll

    Feeding once a day, danger of bloat?

    Bella goes to Pack Play (where she plays and trains with other dogs all day long) twice a week. Because my girl is a total love bug, she gets herself worked up on these days and she vomits her breakfast pretty regularly. She does this at the daycare, I'm told. She never does it at home, so I...
  34. CCandMurray

    Help-My puppy possibly swallowed a chicken wing bone

    I'm hoping someone out there has been through this before. Last night my boyfriend and I had pizza and wings take out, as he was throwing a wing in th garbage he thought it didn't make it in the garbage and that maybe Murray had gotten it, I ran over to Murray and in his mouth throughly but saw...
  35. Mom of Tucker

    Worried about Sophie

    Well after having played with the frog around 7 a.m. Thursday, Sophie seemed to have a normal day. She participated in her usual activities and ate her usual three meals. However, a little over two hours after her supper, she threw up. It is now 6 hours past her last meal, and from what I can...
  36. Mcleanb7

    Wheezing sound to cough?

    My bulldog just started coughing like he does from time to time, but this time it was a wheezing sound and then the hacking cough sound. Not brought on by anything--wasn't eating, drinking, exercising--just sitting and then got up to go outside. No vomit. Breathing normally in between the...
  37. Cali Doll

    Another vomiting thread

    Last Tuesday I gave Bella Bravecto for fleas and ticks. She threw up bile (I'm assuming--it was yellow and mucous-like) that night and again the next morning. As I understand it, this is normal after a dose of Bravecto. After that morning vomit, Bella was fine for a week. Then, yesterday...
  38. Wigglesworth

    Vomiting after drinking water and a couple time during the middle of the night

    My bulldog Woody (8 years) has started to vomit after drinking water. It started about a month ago. He used to be able to drink as much as he wanted without regurgitation. I limit his water now, but even after a little bit he'll make this sharp sound, like he's clearing his throat, and throw...
  39. Enjoimangos

    Boris Is not feeling well

    Hi All, Boris has been puking on and off for the last day and a half (9 times total). He still has an appetite and is going to the bathroom without any problems so I'm not too sure whats up, but I fear he has swallowed something. We are going to the Vet in a hour to get checked out. He's still...
  40. Cali Doll

    She's throwing up all night!

    I'm sitting here searching the forum for "vomiting" because Bella started throwing up her food a couple of hours ago (1AM or so). She eats Fromm Lamb/Lentil. Yesterday (Sat) she had a very active day, as we went to an MS Walk, then spent some time at Home Depot, and Petsmat. The temp was...