Vegas and his new pool!


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
We got Vegas a new pool, he loves it for two reasons, 1- it is a big water bowl for him, and 2- he loves to try and scratch the painted bubbles off the bottom of the pool he spent 20 min. scratching the bottom!. Look at the Niagra Falls coming out of his mouth in the first photo, this is what he looks like INSIDE my kitchen on the tile when he drinks!!



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I like pools from the Netherlands!!! Very cool looking!
I love the one where he is splashing the water with his paw, how cute.

Yes, those Netherlands pools look awesome, (and easy to store for winter!)
Flip N Fills are the best!!!!

I'm gonna google it right now. I've never even heard of that type of pool. Vegas likes to dive face first into the water, but I hate filling the pool up that much because it takes more than my weenie arms to empty it!
Hahahhaha. He is so cute. I need to get mine one!!
Adorable! That is the same thing Cutty does, digging at the pictures. hehe.
Bono's pool would be great but would last more than 5 minutes with Cutty. I think he would dig right thru the bottom. haha
Oh my gosh..I LOVE it.. I think Chester has the same one! :-) It is awfully fun watching them play in it!