update on our Echo


New member
May 29, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Chesty, Cadence and baby Echo and Mello (Delta)
I picked up Echo yesterday and noticed that our baby has two hernias on his tummy... one at the top of his scare and one at the bottom.... I called the dr and they said to watch them and bring him in this week when his dr. is in. Has any one dealt with hernias in puppies?
Sam had a hernia since the day I brought him home when he was just a pup. It was small and never became an issue. It was like as wide as a dime and didn't poke out very far at all. The vet said if it ever looked bigger, started coming out more then they may need to fix it but if not then he would be fine. My vet said they can have it their whole lives and it never become an issue. However it did end up being fixed. Samson swallowed a toy April 2010 (he was 4). Had to be surgically removed and they had to cut thru the area where his hernia was to get the toy out so it was fixed at that time. My neighbor has a boston that had a hernia since she was born. The vet didn't say it was necessary to fix it but she opted to because she worried it was going to become a problem. It got fixed when the boston was like 4 months old. This bostons was much bigger than Samson's (maybe it just looked that way because she is alot smaller obviously being a boston). Popped out bigger than the size of a marble.
awww poor Echo what a trooper. Hope he gets better quickly
Mom, can you take a picture of it so I can see? And what exactly is a hernia? What is "popping" out?
As I have been told a hernia is the intestines poking thru your muscles. People get a hernia normally from tearing that muscle so the intestines end up pushing out. For Samson it looked like an outie bully button.
Oh little Echo.... Hope it's not serious. Never dealt with this myself, sorry I am no help....
Can it cut off circulation in the intestines? I'm a little worried about Echo.
Mom, can you take a picture of it so I can see? And what exactly is a hernia? What is "popping" out?

took this today of his tummy...


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I had a Springer Spaniel once that had one. The vet didn't do anything. Gordon lived to be 12.

I hope little Echo is okay. It would break my heart if anything happened and I have never seen him. Praying for him.
Another up date on Echo, we took him to the vet today and had his hernia's looked at.... Vet said he could feel both holes and that indeed he would need surgery to fix them....but he is to young yet. so I have to keep pushing the hernia back into the hole in his tummy and as long as he is doing as well as he is and as long as I can push his insides back in through the hole we are fine....and we can wait. but if the hole starts to close up ...then no more waiting..... they go back in in two weeks for there first shots and he said he would take another look and talk a little more about when then. Most hernias do fine without doing any thing.... they are not big enough to let any thing come through.... but with Echo you can feel the holes with your finger. so for now....I just have to keep pushing on them and keep them in as much as possible....
[MENTION=657]mom2bullies[/MENTION] Thank you for the update. Does not sound too scary as long as you keep pushing back in then? How old does your vet want him to be first before surgery? I am glad it is nothing serious-- yet, is the procedure a fast and unrisky one when the time does come?

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