Ticks everywhere


New member
Oct 11, 2010
We are surrounded by woods and there seems to be an abundance of ticks. We treated Mosley with frontline...but the ticks continue to come inside with him. Any suggestions? I Sam not sure how Frontline is supposed to work. Any suggestions on controlling them outside?

I am not sure this will help or not but seven-5 dust from home depot or other stores like that is a powder you can sprinkle in your yard, on your grass, planters etc and so long as it is there it kills bugs. Also is safe for pups and have heard of bully people using it in their carpets for fleas even. I am sure it would help with ticks also but if there is snow or something it may not work. Might wanna look into it anyhow. Have used it here just for outdoor bugs and it seems to help. We dont have any tick problems specifically tho so I am sure you will find more advice that will help also.
We were looking into getting some bio spot yard spray but not sure how well it works???
I dont' know abut everyone else but I use to live out in the boonies and the frontline WAS NOT WORKING! We switched to revolution and no ticks no fleas I also used the sevens dust from the local feed store.
We also use Revolution and had never had tick/flea issues, although the tick population here is probably not as heavy.
I use K9 Advantix and when we went to the river where there were tons of ticks we found ticks on both of my pups but none fo the ticks actually bite them.
Thanks for the helpful info. We found a natural remedy by soaking basil leaves in water and then spraying it on the lawn. So we shall see if that helps. We are also going to consult with our vet when Mosley goes in for his visit this weekend. We are also going to look into the various suggestions you all have provided.

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